Aadhithya Dinesh's Resume
Aadhithya Dinesh
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Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Aadhithya Dinesh's Resume

Discover why over 20 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
Aadhithya Dinesh's Resume
Discover why over 20 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
% Resume in Latex
% Author : Sourabh Bajaj
% License : MIT
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\textbf{\href{https://www.linkedin.com/in/aadhithya-dinesh/}{\Large Aadhithya Dinesh}} & Email : \href{mailto:aadhithyadinesh1997@gmail.com}{aadhithyadinesh1997@gmail.com}\\
\href{https://www.linkedin.com/in/aadhithya-dinesh/}{LinkedIn |}
\href{https://github.com/AD97/}{Github}& Mobile : +91-979-115-2980 \\
{SSN College of Engineering}{Chennai}
{Affl. Anna University; B.Tech in Information Technology; GPA: 3.2| 8.0/10 (Absolute)}{July 2015 - April 2019}
{Sri Sathya Sai Higher Secondary School}{Puttaparthi, India}
{Computer Science; Central Board of Secondary Education); 95.6\% (478/500)
}{May 2013 - April 2015
%--------PROGRAMMING SKILLS------------
\section{Programming Skills}
\textbf{Languages}{: Python, C++, Java, Javascript, Typescript, SQL, NoSQL, HTML, CSS/SASS }
\textbf{Technologies and Frameworks}{: Pivotal Cloud Foundry, Angular, Microservices (Java Spring boot), Django }
{Full Stack Developer - Full time}{July 2019 - Present}
{Part of the Citi Retail Services (CRS) Acquisitions team that serves over 35 partners in the NAM region. }
{Followed the Agile model and worked extensively in Angular, Java Springboot Microservices and PCF cloud technologies for deployment.}
{Hack For Social Good (SPI Cinemas)}{Chennai}
{UI/UX Analyst - Intern}{May 2018 - Jul 2018}
{Part of the team of knowledge workers that brainstormed UI/UX Design ideas for aspiring startups.}
{Restructured the User Interface for their website using Bootstrap framework, CSS, HTML and Vanilla Javascript.}
{Full Stack Developer - Intern}{Dec 2017 - Jan 2018}
{Created an automation tool using Angular and Material Design concepts to generate responsive static websites from a JSON file.}
{Worked on HTTP communications(REST) and AdonisJs at the back-end.}
{Check Health}{Chennai}
{Software Developer - Intern}{Jun 2017 - Jul 2017}
{Used Ionic framework to create the profile page section for their hybrid app.
{Worked on Firebase for the back-end.}
\resumeSubItem{Mapping Virtual 3D Objects Onto the Face}
{An attempt at reducing the time complexity of facial augmented reality algorithms by reducing the number of contour points used to detect orientation of the face.}
\resumeSubItem{SSN Code Busters}
{An online programming judge and platform developed using SQLite-Django-Bootstrap.}
\resumeSubItem{}{Dr.T Shree Sharmila, Hemang Shah and Aadhithya Dinesh,
\textbf{Analysis of facial landmark features to determine the best subset for finding facial orientation}, 2nd IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence in Data Science, (ICCIDS), February 21 – 23, 2019.}
\textbf{Finalist}{ - SSN Best Speaker Contest} {,2017 and 2018.}
\textbf{Sanction Letter}{ - College Funded Project}{, SSN Code Busters, 2016. }
\textbf{Placed 8th}{ - Shaastra Programming Contest Finals IIT Madras, 2016.}
\textbf{Winner}{ - Inter College Math Quiz(SSN 2klog16), 2016.}
%---------Teaching/Leadership Experience-------
\section{Teaching/Leadership Experience}
\resumeSubItem{}{Conducted an IEEE Workshop on Basics of Web Development and Trends in Web Technology for college students (Jan 2018).}
\resumeSubItem{}{Part of the core IT Department Coding Club (2017-2018).}
\resumeSubItem{}{Taught Maths, Science and Music for underprivileged school kids as part of the Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organization.}