Apratim CV
Apratim Bora
Letzte Aktualisierung
vor 5 Jahren
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Apratim's Resume. Created based on the Twenty Seconds CV template.
Apratim's Resume. Created based on the Twenty Seconds CV template.
% FortySecondsCV LaTeX template
% Copyright © 2019 René Wirnata <rene.wirnata@pandascience.net>
% Licensed under the 3-Clause BSD License. See LICENSE file for details.
% Attributions
% ------------
% * fortysecondscv is based on the twentysecondcv class by Carmine Spagnuolo
% (cspagnuolo@unisa.it), released under the MIT license and available under
% https://github.com/spagnuolocarmine/TwentySecondsCurriculumVitae-LaTex
% * further attributions are indicated immediately before corresponding code
% showframes,
% maincolor=cvgreen,
% sectioncolor=red,
% subsectioncolor=orange
% sidebarwidth=0.4\paperwidth,
% topbottommargin=0.03\paperheight,
% leftrightmargin=20pt
% improve word spacing and hyphenation
% take care of proper font encoding
% \newfontfamily\headingfont[Path = fonts/]{segoeuib.ttf} % local font
% \usepackage[sfdefault]{noto} % use noto google font
% enable mathematical syntax for some symbols like \varnothing
% bubble diagram configuration
% defaut font size is \large, so adjust to harmonize with sidebar layout
bubble center node font = \footnotesize,
bubble node font = \footnotesize,
% default: 4cm/2.5cm; make minimum diameter relative to sidebar size
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bubble node size = 0.25\sidebartextwidth,
distance center/other bubbles = 1.5em,
% set center bubble color
bubble center node color = maincolor!70,
% define the list of colors usable in the diagram
set color list = {maincolor!10, maincolor!40,
maincolor!20, maincolor!60, maincolor!35},
% sets the opacity at which the bubbles are shown
bubble fill opacity = 0.8,
% profile picture
% your name
\cvname{Apratim Bora}
% job title/career
\cvjobtitle{Mechanical Engineer}
% date of birth
\cvbirthday{Feb 6, 1997}
% short address/location, use \newline if more than 1 line is required
\cvaddress{Dibrugarh, Assam, India}
% phone number
\cvphone{+91 7002117127}
% personal website
% email address
% add additional information
% \newcommand{\additional}{some more?}
% overwrite default icons and order of personal information
% \renewcommand{\personaltable}{%
% \begin{personal}[0.8em]
% \circleicon{\faKey} & \cvkey \\
% \circleicon{\faAt} & \cvmail \\
% \circleicon{\faGlobe} & \cvsite \\
% \circleicon{\faPhone} & \cvphone \\
% \circleicon{\faEnvelope} & \cvaddress \\
% \circleicon{\faInfo} & \cvbirthday \\
% % add another line
% \circleicon{\faQuestion} & \additional
% \end{personal}
% }
% add more profile sections to sidebar on first page
% include gosquare national flags from https://github.com/gosquared/flags;
% naming according to ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes
\skill{\ }{AutoCAD}
\skill{\ }{MATLAB}
\skill{\ }{MS Office}
\skill{\ }{C and C++ Programming}
\skill{\ }{Web Design}
\skill{\ }{Team Management}
\skill{\ }{Adobe Photoshop}
\skill{\ }{Learn New Languages}
\skill{\ }{Fitness Enthusiast}
\skill{\ }{Reading Fiction Novels}
\cvitem{Jul 2018}{Intern}{Assam State Transport Corporation Divisional Workshop}{}
\cvitem{Jan 2018}{Intern}{Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Ltd}{}
\cvitem{Jun 2018}{Summer Trainee}{Indian Railways Divisional Workshop}{Vocational and Industrial Training on Wagon Body}
\cvitem{Dec 2017}{Winter Trainee}{Tezpur University}{Vocational Training on Bio-diesel and Solar Energy}
\cvitem{2015 -- 2019}{B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering}{Dibrugarh University}
{9.11/10 CGPA}
\cvitem{2017}{Diploma in AutoCAD}{CADD Centre Training Services}{AutoCAD 2D and 3D}
\cvitem{2018--2019}{Design and Fabrication of Floor Cleaning Machine}{Dibrugarh University}{}
\cvitem{2018}{Fabrication of Staircase Climbing Trolley}{Dibrugarh University}{}
\cvitem{2018}{Fabrication of model of a Railway coach lifter}{Indian Railways Divisional Workshop}{}
\cvitem{2015}{Award for Academic Excellence}{Oil India Limited}{Recipient for graduating with highest honors in Class XII examinations. Aggregate percentage: 93.2 }
\cvitem{2017}{Introduction to Programming with MATLAB}{Coursera}{Credential ID: QYUH5A3U9YDF}
\cvitem{2018}{Programming with C and C++}{Internshala}{Credential ID: F6C74053-FF1D-DEB3-148E-93D3634052B5}
\cvsection{Extra-Curricular Activities}
\cvitem{2019}{Sho Dan Black Belt}{GI TOKU KAI KARATE DO INDIA}{}
\cvitem{2015}{Visharad in Fine Arts}{Pracheen Kala Kendra}{}
\cvitem{2019}{Completed 4K run in Dibrugarh Marathon 2019}{}{}
\cvitem{2018-Present}{Student Member}{SPE International}{}
\cvitem{2018-Present}{Student Member}{SAE International}{}