% "ModernCV" CV and Cover Letter
% LaTeX Template
% Version 1.1 (9/12/12)
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% Original author:
% Xavier Danaux (xdanaux@gmail.com)
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\firstname{Barbara} % Your first name
\familyname{Skrzypek} % Your last name
% All information in this block is optional, comment out any lines you don't need
\title{Curriculum Vitae}
\quote{"I was born not knowing, and have had only a little time to change that here and there" - Richard Feynman}
\makecvtitle % Print the CV title
\cventry{2013--Present}{BS in Physics}{Loyola University Chicago}{}{\textit{GPA -- 4.0}}{} % Arguments not required can be left empty
\cventry{2013-Present}{BS in Mathematics}{Loyola University Chicago}{}{\textit{GPA -- 4.0}}{}
\cventry{2013-Present}{Honors Interdisciplinary Program}{Loyola University Chicago}{}{\textit{}}{}
\section{Relevant Coursework}
\subsection{Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences}
\cvitem{Professor David Slavsky \textit{Spring 2014}}{This course focused heavily on the mathematical aspect of physics, introducing important topics such as Fourier series expansions, vector calculus, solving differential equations (with special emphasis on Legendre polynomials), and solving basic partial differential equations. This course made extensive use of the software package Mathematica, with which various programming techniques and loops were learned and practiced to solve problems and program. An end-of-semester project included modeling spread of infectious diseases using Mathematica.}
\subsection{Electronics and Electronics Lab}
\cvitem{Professor Robert Polak \textit{Spring 2015}}{This course explored analog and digital electronics, covering direct and alternating curcuits, solid state devices, and operational amplifiers. The experiments provided familiarity with electronic components central to most electronic applications such as diodes and transistors. An end of semester project included building, analyzing, and presenting an important circuit. The circuit invesitigated in this particular project was the comparator, a device that converts an analog signal to digital.}
\subsection{Quantum Mechanics II}
\cvitem{Professor Asim Gangopadhyaya \textit{Fall 2015}}{This course continued off of Introductory Quantum Mechanics, covering more advanced topics in quantum mechanics such as systems of N degrees of freedom, quantum statistics, time-dependent perturbation theory, symmetries and angular momentum, scattering theory, relativistic quantum mechanics, and quantum field theory, among others. Relevance to physical applications were discussed, including but not limited to laser beams and stimulated emision, the Helium atom, astrophysical implications of the Pauli exclusion principle, etc.}
\subsection{Differential Geometry (Special Topics)}
\cvitem{Professor Adam Spiegler \textit{Spring 2016}}{Planned course for the spring. Specific content of the course and topics covered to be provided next semester.}
\section{Relevant Experience}
\subsection{FRESHMAN PROJECTS, Advisor: Dr. John Cunningham}
\cventry{Spring 2014}{Nonlinear Dynamical Processess}{}{}{}{Collaborated with a group of physics majors on a research project that examined the behavior of nonlinear dynamical systems and investigated chaos theory. To do so, we built a double pendulum, with which we looked at dependence on intitial conditions at high starting angles, using a model on Mathematica to aid us.}
\subsection{RESEARCH: Advisor: Dr. Robert McNees}
\cventry{Spring 2015 - Present}{Scalar and Tensor Fields in Kerr Spacetime}{}{}{}{Preliminary topics such as the Schwarzchild Solution, scalar-tensor theories of gravity, rotating (Kerr) black holes, stability, and gauge theory were covered before starting the project. As part of the project, we investigate solutions to nonhomogenous differential equations describing scalar and tensor fields propogating in Kerr spacetime.}
\subsection{RESEARCH: Advisor: Dr. Jon Bougie}
\cventry{Spring 2015 - Present}{Solutions to Navier-Stokes Equations in Unstable Granular Systems}{}{}{}{Solutions to Navier-Stokes Equations are well known for an unstableSolutions to Navier-Stokes Equations for Unstable Granular Systems conducting fluid. We look for a base state which would help solve the equations for a system of vertically-oscillated grains at critical amplitude (undergoing pattern formation). To do so, we analyze continuum simulations of below-onset systems.}
\cvitem{2013}{\textit{Distrcit 207's Best for Academic Achievement}--awarded to four seniors per high school in recognition of academic achievement}
\cvitem{2014}{\textit{Father Gerst Memorial Award for Excellence in Physics}--awarded to three freshman physics majors}
\cvitem{2015}{\textit{Duchossois Scholarship}--granted to Loyola undergraduates who have demonstrated academic achievement}
\cvitem{2013-Present}{\textit{Membership in the National Society for Collegiate Scholars}--an organization which selects students from the top 20 percent and which mainly organizes charity events}
\cvitemwithcomment{Spanish}{Conversationally fluent}{}