Bruno Miguel Ferreira Alves' CV
Bruno Alves
Letzte Aktualisierung
vor 7 Jahren
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Bruno Miguel Ferreira Alves' CV
Bruno Miguel Ferreira Alves' CV
%%% CV Bruno Alves 06/2017 %%%%%%
\name{Bruno Miguel Ferreira Alves}
\phone{+351 930 597 640}
\mailaddress{Rua do Verdelho, 218, Hab.38}
\location{Maia, Portugal}
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Experience %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%Experience 1
\cvevent{COO - Chief Operating Officer}{Evoleo Technologies, Lda}{April 2016 -- Ongoing}{Porto, Portugal}
\item Operational management in the areas of development, production and logistics;
%Experience 2
\cvevent{Electrical and Electronic Engineering Team Leader}{Evoleo Technologies, Lda}{April 2015 -- Ongoing}{Porto, Portugal}
\item Electrical and Electronic team coaching and monitoring;
\item Design and test of electric and electronic circuits;
\item Hardware development and production;
\item PCB Design;
\item PLC Programming;
%Experience 3
\cvevent{Electrical Engineering / IT Manager}{ADIRA –- Metal-Forming Solutions S.A.}{April 2014 -- April 2015}{Porto, Portugal}
\item Development of electrical projects for Press Brakes and Shears;
\item Implementation and research of new features for products;
\item PLC Programming;
\item IT management and administration;
%Experience 4
\cvevent{Professional Internship -- Information Systems Engineering}{Sonae / ISI –- Information Systems and Innovation}{September 2013 -- April 2014}{Porto, Portugal}
\item Support for a financial application;
\item Data flow control between systems;
\item Data quality control and monitoring;
%Experience 5
\cvevent{Curricular Internship -- Electrical Design Engineer}{ADIRA –- Metal-Forming Solutions S.A.}{February 2013 -- July 2013}{Porto, Portugal}
\item Development of electrical projects for Press Brakes and Shears;
\item Development of bachelor's degree final project;
%Experience 6
\cvevent{Research Assistant in the Area of Autonomous Systems}{Laboratório de Sistemas Autónomos -- LSA/ISEP}{May 2010 -- July 2013}{Porto, Portugal}
\item Development of control systems;
\item PCB Design;
\item Microcontroller Programming;
%%New Page
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Projects %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%Project 1
\cvevent{Agent-based Platform for Autonomous Sailing Research and Competition}{ISEP-IPP, School of Engineering, Polytechnics of Porto}{January 2015 -- November 2016}{Porto, Portugal}
\item Master's degree final project -- Thesis;
\item Description -- Platform for real and simulated autonomous sailing competitions, which can also be used as a research tool to test and assess navigation algorithms;
\item Techs: Multi-Agent System, Web Services, JAVA, JADE, NodeJS, RethinkDB, PostgreSQL, HTML5 and WebSocket;
\item Classification -- 19/20.
%Project 2
\cvevent{Visual Location System -- Press Brakes}{ADIRA –- Metal-Forming Solutions S.A.}{February 2013 -- July 2013}{Porto, Portugal}
\item Bachelor's degree final project;
\item Description -- Development of hardware and software for a visual tool localization system. The system can be incorporated in all the Press Brakes of the company ADIRA in order to facilitate the operators in the positioning of the tools;
\item Techs: C, C++, PCB Design, Microcontrollers and CNC;
\item Classification -- 18/20.
%Project 3
\cvevent{Nutrition Platform}{MOVELIFE}{June 2012 -- September 2012}{Porto, Portugal}
\item Description -- The platform allows to evaluate the nutrition of restaurant recipes and to identify allergens (Regulation (EU) No. 1169/2011);
\item Techs: PHP, HTML5 and MySQL;
%Project 4
\cvevent{Management Software}{Centro de Explicações -- Nota20}{July 2010 -- September 2010}{Porto, Portugal}
\item Description -- The software controls the number of classes of each student and teacher, as well as allows financial control of the centre;
\item Techs: PHP, HTML, JavaScript and MySQL;
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Certificates %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%Certificate 1
\cvevent{Kaizen Office Live}{Kaizen Institute Portugal}{5hours}{Porto,Portugal}
%Certificate 2
\cvevent{Kaizen Service}{Kaizen Institute Portugal}{16hours}{Porto,Portugal}