Siddharth Pai's Resume
Siddharth Pai
Letzte Aktualisierung:
vor 8 Jahren
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
My Resume

Discover why over 20 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
My Resume
Discover why over 20 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
\title{My Resume}
\author{Siddharth S Pai}
B.Tech Computer Science and Engineering\\Federal Institute of Science and Technology
To seek challenging assignments and responsibility, with an opportunity for growth and career advancement as successful achievements.
\section{Work Experience}
I currently have 3.4 years of experience working in the IT sector over varied projects mostly involving Front-end technologies.
\section{Technical Expertise}
\item Hardware \indent \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ : 8085 , Arduino
\item Programming Languages \indent \ \ \ \ \ \ : Bash Scripting , C , C++ , Java , PHP , Python (Django,Flask) , SQL , Javascript
\item Javascript Frameworks \indent \ \ \ \ \ \ \ : JQuery, AngularJS, NodeJS, React, A-Frame
\item Operating System \indent \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ : GNU/Linux (Arch, Debian , Fedora ,Ubuntu ), Windows
\item Application Packages \indent \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ : Audacity , LaTeX , MS Office, Open Office
\item Favourite Editors \indent \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ : Nano, Geany , Emacs , Sublime Text , Eclipse, Brackets
\section{Project Summary}
\emph{B.Tech} & Mini Project \\
\textsc{2012} & \emph{Robo Artist} \\
& \normalsize{This project involved the creation of 4 robots to draw a single image on paper. This was achieved by creating four robots which would each plot points on paper. The control of the robots was done via a python interface. The data was sent via Bluetooth. Image processing was done using Octave.
\emph{B.Tech} & Main Project \\
\textsc{2013} & \emph{SAT Solver} \\
& \normalsize{This project was done to focus on splitting work and how fast work can be done if it was split into different processes. We attempted to solve a SAT Problem by splitting the work among different processes and then bruteforcing it to achive our goal.
\emph{C-Cubed Solutions} & Project \\
\textsc{2013} & \emph{CRM} \\
& \normalsize{This project involved handling the details of the customers of the company. I was involved in writing SQL queries to fetch the data of the users with respect to the conditions that were required. Also it was required to display the data in an understandable format.
\emph{C-Cubed Solutions} & Project \\
\textsc{2013} & \emph{Ready Reckoner} \\
& \normalsize{This project was suggested as an idea by me so as to help the voice team in easily moving the inbound callers to various queues with respect to their issues. This was basically a chrome extension that would be laid over their existing voice tool, which would communicate with the CRM to get user data.
\emph{QPlay Tech} & Project \\
\textsc{2014} & \emph{Video Streamer} \\
& \normalsize{This project was a product that would help teams connect via video streaming services. The stack involved Python which would run the server and GUI on the machines while FFMPEG would handle the grunt work of streaming the video to all the machines on the network.
\emph{RapidValue Solutions} & Project \\
\textsc{2014} & \emph{Cognitive Tutor, CarnegieLearning} \\
& \normalsize{I was assigned to development of client-side interface's for the cognitive tutor software used in middle and high schools.This involved creation of tools and widgets custom to the project.
\emph{RapidValue Solutions} & Project \\
\textsc{2015} & \emph{Location App} \\
& \normalsize{Here I was involved in the development of the backend using NodeJS as well as MongoDB for a client project. This involved writing multiple API calls as well as connecting to various services such as MQTT to push messages to the app.
\emph{RapidValue Solutions} & Project \\
\textsc{2016} & \emph{nTerakt Enterprise Suite} \\
& \normalsize{I was involved in the development of customer facing mobile applications for an Enterprise suite of products. This involved creating a generic product that would fit the needs of multiple customers with changes being done from the enterprise end.
\emph{Digifutura Technologies} & Project \\
\textsc{2016} & \emph{Client Servicing} \\
& \normalsize{I was involved in the development of various client projects, with varied requirements. This mostly involved working with Angular and other frontend technologies.
\emph{Digifutura Technologies} & Project \\
\textsc{2016} & \emph{Specto} \\
& \normalsize{ Worked on creation of a VR editor. It involved in depth working knowledge about the A-Frame framework as well as React for creation of tools involved in the editor
\section{Professional Membership}
\item FISAT Free Software Cell(FFSC)
\section{Positions of Responsibility}
\item Head for Online Registration during Inter College Fest Bharatham.
\item Execom Member of FFSC .
\item Was a part of the team involved in "One Million Code" .
\item Head for Registration during Intra College Fest Arangu.
\item Event Head for "Tableau" during Intra College Fest Arangu.
\item Volunteer for ICEFOSS 2010 and 2011
\item Volunteer for Fisat Science Congress.
\item Was a Project Leader in School .
\item House Captain in School.
\textbf{Mr. Mahesh C}, System Analyst cum Software Engineer\\
\indent Federal Institute of Science And Technology \\
\indent mahesh.fisat@gmail.com \\
\textbf{Mr. Unni Kartha G} , Placement Co-ordinator and Head of the Department [Civil Engineering] \\
\indent Federal Institute of Science and Technology\\
\indent unnikartha@gmail.com
\indent \ \ I hereby declare that the above furnished information is true to my knowledge and belief. \\ \\ \\
\indent \textbf {24.11.2016} \indent \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \textbf{Signature}