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  • Posted on August 29, 2013

    Two of our most requested features are now out of testing and available to all users - an in-editor option to quickly save your work to Dropbox, and a multi-language spell checker to help pick up those typos and mistakes that can easily slip past.

    Dropbox button screenshot 2
  • Posted by John on August 27, 2013

    Protected projects provide greater control and security when you share your documents with collaborators and reviewers, as you retain full control over who can access your work at all times.

    Here we provide a short guide to creating your first protected project, adding & removing collaborators, protecting existing projects and identifying your protected projects on the 'My Projects' dashboard.

    Protected project share screenshot
  • Posted on July 26, 2013

    We pleased to announce that you can now share your PDFs directly from writeLaTeX, and track how many people view and share your work - freely available to all our users as part of the main writeLaTeX service.

    Read-only link screenshot 2
  • Posted on July 22, 2013

    From today F1000Research are waiving their article processing fee for papers documenting the development of bioinformatics software and tools:

    "To encourage bioinformatics tool developers to try this new way of publishing, we are inviting the submission of software and web tool papers free of charge to F1000Research."

    To help support and encourage the documentation of software development, we've collaborated with F1000Research to bring you an easy way to submit your article directly to F1000Research from the writeLaTeX editor

    F1000Research Journal Article Template Screenshot
  • Posted on July 19, 2013

    It's been a busy few months for the writeLaTeX team -- we've joined Bethnal Green Ventures, met a lot of interesting new people at events such as the hack4ac open science hackathon, and have launched two new types of account, for students and teachers.

    In this post we present the full set of how-to videos we've recently produced, plus a round up of what you've been tweeting about writeLaTeX over the past few weeks!

    Just started using @writelatex to preview minimal working examples from @StackExchange - things I wished I learned years ago!

    — Andrea Wishart (@pickleswarlz) July 17, 2013

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