Battle Report Template
This is a template I've used for my Border Patrol Battle Reports to sort of emulate the classic White Dwarf style.
Pádraig Mac Carron
Dragonbane Template
This is a LaTeX document class designed to create game supplements for the Dragonbane RPG by Free League under the Dragonbane Third-Party Supplement Licence.
Sibling Dex
RyuOhTeX Template
A LaTeX template including a self-defined package used to show Shogi moves(kifus) and board.
The source code of this project has been published at https://github.com/RyuOhTeX/RyuOhTeX.
Quisette Chung
D&D 5e LaTeX Template
This is an attempt at a D&D 5e LaTeX template. The color scheme is close to the original source books, as are the fonts. The fonts chosen are included by default in TeX Live. Downloaded from https://github.com/rpgtex/DND-5e-LaTeX-Template on Feb 5, 2020 License: The MIT License (MIT)
Character Bio Sheet Template
A character sheet template for keeping track of backstories. Made with DnD in mind, but can be used for anything.
Zoya van Meel
D&D Item Card Template
Item card generator for Dungeons and Dragons. Automatically scales the card length for any amount of text and crops the pdf to the card(s). Also exports a PNG in the output log.
For a more printer friendly option intended for in person play, auto-scaling can be turned off and the cards will instead be generated in a 5:7 aspect ratio, with both a front and a back side. Uses the paper.jpg file from D&D 5e LaTeX Template by rpgtex.
The 'dnd' files are from the D&D 5e LaTeX Template by rpgtex
D&D 5e LaTeX Korean Template
A Korean version of D&D 5e LaTeX Template,
originally created by rpgtex
github repo: https://github.com/ShoyuVanilla/DND-5e-LaTeX-Template-Korean
last updated: Apr 26, 2020
License: The MIT License (MIT)
Shoyu Vanilla