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\begin{center}{\small #1} \end{center}
\hspace*{-2.5mm} \footnote{\small E-mail: \href{mailto:#1}{#1}} %add \small= 10pt here
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\renewcommand\refname{\normalsize References }
% \renewcommand{\refname}{Acknowledgements}
\abstracttitle{We welcome you at IMAMPC2024 \\
The title of your contribution goes here}
D.G. Piekarski$^{1}$\writeto{dpiekarski@ichf.edu.pl},
M. Tomza$^{2}$,
A. Kubas$^{1}$
\addresses{%Affiliation with laboratory and/or university name, city, zip code, country
$^1$Institute of Physical Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, 01-224, Poland
$^2$Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw, Pasteura 5, 02-093 Warsaw, Poland
Please follow these rules to ensure the happiness of the organizers and the beauty of the book of abstract:
\item write your abstract in Times New Roman 11pt
\item indent the first line of each paragraph
\item do not exceed \textbf{\underline{1page}}
\item include figures in the text with max. 2MB size
\item write the caption outside of the figure frame (see Figure~\ref{fig:Figure} as an example).
\item insert your references using \textbackslash bibitem and cite as~\cite{AuthorsAB2024} and ~\cite{AuthorsCDE2023}
\item submit your abstract following procedure described at imampc2024.pl
The 13th International Meeting on Atomic and Molecular Physics and Chemistry, will take place in Warsaw, Poland, from 9 to 12 July 2024. This conference aims to support young researchers and foster interdisciplinary collaborations. Invited talks will be given by researchers who completed their PhD within the past 10 years. In addition, a small number of experienced researchers will deliver keynote talks, providing a glimpse into the future of our field.
The event will bring together researchers from both theory and experimentation in the broad field of atomic and molecular physics and chemistry, opening up new research directions and opportunities for collaboration. We believe that the conference in Warsaw will create a pleasant environment for fruitful discussions and inspiration.
Times New Roman, 11 points.}
\section*{\fontsize{11}{14}\selectfont Acknowledgments}
\fontsize{11}{14}\selectfont % Adjust the line spacing if needed
Your acknowledgment text goes here.
%insert your references here using \bibitem
\bibitem{AuthorsAB2024} SurnameA N. and SurnameB G {\em Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.} {{\bf 6} 9 (2024)}
\vspace{-0.25cm} % Use this between every \bibitem to reduce the space between cited articles
\bibitem{AuthorsCDE2023} SurnameC F., SurnameD X.Y. and SurnameE F. {\em Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.} {{\bf 15} 11220 (2023)}