Class Template for 315 Writeups
Justin Dunmyre
Letzte Aktualisierung
vor 5 Jahren
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
For Dr. Dunmyre's Math 315 Class.
For Dr. Dunmyre's Math 315 Class.
% This LaTeX template is based on T.J. Hitchman's work which is itself based on Dana Ernst's template.
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% Skip this stuff, and head down to where it says "Start here"
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\item[\hskip \labelsep {\bfseries #1}\hskip \labelsep {\bfseries #2.}]}{\end{trivlist}}
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% Start here
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\title{Writeup for x.yz} % replace with the problem you are writing up
\author{Your Name} % replace with your name
\begin{statement}{x.yz} %You can use theorem, exercise, problem, or question here. Modify x.yz to be whatever number you are proving
Delete this text and write the statement here. Change the x.yz to indicate which statement from the book you are working on.
Delete this, write your proof here.
% --------------------------------------------------------------
% You don't have to mess with anything below this line.
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