CLN 2023 Abstract template
Aurore Finco
Letzte Aktualisierung
vor einem Jahr
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Abstract submission template for the 21st Colloque Louis Néel (Nov. 2023) :
Abstract submission template for the 21st Colloque Louis Néel (Nov. 2023) :
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% DO NOT MODIFY THIS PART
\documentclass[a4paper, 11pt]{article}
\usepackage[colorlinks, urlcolor=DodgerBlue3, linkcolor=DarkOrchid3, citecolor=DarkOrchid3]{hyperref}
\usepackage[hmargin=1.5cm, top=0.5cm, bottom=1.5cm]{geometry}
\usepackage[backend=biber, maxbibnames=5, minbibnames=3, style=numeric-comp, sorting=none, url=false, isbn=false, doi=false]{biblatex}
\postauthor{\par *\href{mailto:\corremail}{\corremail} \end{center} \vspace*{-1.5cm}}
% Enter here your title and the authors with their affiliations. For subscripts or superscripts
% use \textsubscript{} and \textsuperscript{} as in the example below.
A great talk about Fe\textsubscript{2}O\textsubscript{3} at an awesome meeting %% Put your title here
\author[1, *]{Presenting Author}
\affil[1]{Department name, Institution, City, Country}
\def \corremail{} % give your email here
\author[1]{Second Author}
\author[2]{Third Author}
\affil[2]{Department name, Another institution, Another city, Country}
Write your abstract here. Please do not exceed a length of two A4 pages, and do not modify the template. Use the Overleaf platform to prepare your abstract if you do not have a working LaTeX setup.
Start by giving some motivations, then describe your work and your results. For units, siunitx is loaded, so do not hesitate to write about your high magnetic field of \SI{9}{\tesla} or your spin waves with frequencies up to \SI{250}{\GHz}, or even your spatial resolution in the \si{\nano\meter}-range. You can add equations like this, and refer to them (see Eq.~\ref{eq:topo_charge}):
Q_\text{topo} = \frac{1}{4\pi} \int \vec{m}(\vec{r}) \cdot \left (\pdv{\vec{m}}{x} \times \pdv{\vec{m}}{y} \right) \dd{\vec{r}}
For references, use the Bibtex format in a file named \texttt{biblio.bib}~\cite{wolfSpintronicsSpinBasedElectronics2001} and use biber as a compiler. You can get the Bibtex description from Zotero or from a DOI on this website: \url{}. The references section will then be filled automatically. We also suggest to add a nice figure with some caption to catch the attention of your audience (see Fig.~\ref{fig:spin}), following this example:
\caption{This is a spin.}
Once you are ready, \href{}{upload your pdf file on the website of the conference} as the main file. \textbf{As a supplementary file, we ask you to upload a .zip file containing your .tex file, together with your biblio.bib file and your figure (if any)}. Such a zip can be downloaded directly from Overleaf, click on the download icon next to the project on your Overleaf home page. \textcolor{Firebrick1}{This is mandatory, we need these files to create the final booklet.}
If you wish to acknowledge people or funding, do it there.
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