\usepackage{mathptmx} % Times New Roman font
\usepackage{geometry} % margins
\usepackage{authblk} % affiliations
\usepackage{indentfirst} % indent first paragraph
% Page Setup
% separation between title/authors/affiliations
% make paragraph indent larger
\let \footnote \thanks
{\large\bfseries \@title \par}%
\vskip \@affilsep%
contact: \href{mailto:\contact}{\contact}
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\title{Abstract Title: Centered and Bold Upper- and Lowercase}
\author[1]{\underline{Name Surname}}
\author[2]{Name Surname}
\author[1,2]{Name Surname}
\author[1,3]{Name Surname}
\affil[1]{Department, Research Institute/University, City, Postal Code}
\affil[2]{Department, Research Institute/University, City, Postal Code}
\affil[3]{Department, Research Institute/University, City, Postal Code}
\section*{\centering\large Abstract}
The abstract should fit on one page with one-inch margins on all four sides of an 8 1/2” x 11” paper. Please use 12-point Times New Roman font. If needed, indent each paragraph with a 1/2” tab. The body should be single-spaced. Your abstract should be in paragraph form. There is a 300-word maximum for the entire body of the abstract -- that excludes the title, authors, affiliations and acknowledgement, if any. The entire abstract should fit on one page.
The presenting author’s name (student) should be underlined as shown in the example. Affiliations e.g. departments and institutions, should be included for all authors/coauthors and noted using superscript numbers. The contact information (email address) should be provided for the presenting author.
An abstract’s content typically includes background, a definition of the research question to be addressed, approach, results and conclusion. Please check the subscripts -- superscripts, equations and Greek letters before submitting the .pdf version.
One graphical representation can be included in the abstract body. The graphs should be high resolution (min 300 dpi), make sure the text in these figures can be read easily. The figure should also fit into the one-inch margins.\\
\noindent Acknowledgements: You may include an acknowledgements section. In such a case, please include the grant use of cMDIS facilities, and other support information. The word count of the acknowledgement is not included in the 300-word maximum for the abstract.