ICIS 2022 Submission Template
Ryan Schuetzler
Letzte Aktualisierung
vor 2 Jahren
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Template for the International Conference on Information Systems (2022 updates)
%!TEX TS-program = xelatex
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\title{ICIS 2022 Copenhagen Paper Title}
\researchtype{\textcolor{red}{Indicate Submission Type:} Completed Research Paper, Short Paper, Practitioner Paper, Teaching Case, Panel, and PDW}
\shorttitle{Short Title up to 8 words}
\conference{Forty-Third International Conference on Information Systems, Copenhagen 2022}
\usepackage{tabularx} % To have the table fill out the page
% This is how you can force authors into the required template.
% Note the extra line between rows of authors to provide appropriate spacing
% The multicolumn at the bottom is only needed for odd numbers of authors
All information about the formatting requirements is contained in this document. Please
review it carefully. You may use the document as a template and copy/paste your paper
content here – this is probably the easiest option. Several styles have been included in
this template to facilitate formatting – you may find it easier to use them instead of
formatting each segment differently. Note that it is important to adhere to the
requirements exactly, as this will form the camera-ready version that will be used to
produce the Proceedings. The limitations on the length of the document are as
follows. For all types of papers (complete research, research in progress, and teaching
cases), the abstract should not exceed 150 words; further, the title, authors, abstract,
keywords, and references are excluded from (but all text, figures, tables, and
appendices are included in) the overall page counts given next. For completed research
papers and teaching cases, the limitation is sixteen (16) single-spaced pages. For
research-in-progress papers, the limitation is eight (8) single-spaced pages.
\emph{\textbf{Keywords:} Template, formats, instructions, length, conference publications}
We ask that authors follow these basic guidelines when submitting to ICIS. In
essence, you should format your paper exactly like this document. The easiest
way to use this template is to replace the placeholder content with your own
material. The template file contains specially formatted styles (e.g.,
\texttt{Normal, Heading, Bullet, References, Title, Author, Affiliation}) that
are designed to reduce the work in formatting your final submission.
\section{Page Size}
On each page, your material (not including the header and footer) should fit within a rectangle of 16.5 x 22.8 cm (6.5 x 9 in.), centered on a US letter page, beginning 1.27 cm (0.5 in.) from the top of the page. Please adhere to the US letter size only (in MS Word, you can check the page format in the menu: \textbf{File --> Page Setup}). If you cannot do so, please contact the review coordinator for assistance. All final publications will be formatted and displayed in \textbf{US letter size. Right margins should be justified}, not ragged. All margins must measure 1” (2.5 cm) around. Beware, especially when using this template on a Macintosh, Word may change these dimensions in unexpected ways.
Please ensure your manuscript complies with the following instructions:
\item Line spacing should be single (exactly 1.0);
\item Margins should be 1 inch (2.54 cm);
\item Do not change character or word spacing;
\item Please do not use double spaces between sentences – this is a tradition no longer necessary on modern word processors;
\item Please do not edit the styles in this template;
\item Please ensure all text is justified, not “ragged” ( = left-aligned).
Non-compliance of these instructions may lead to desk rejection of your paper.
Each type of submission (completed research papers, research-in-progress papers,
teaching cases, and panels) has specific page length requirements. See
additional requirements specific to each type of submission in the \href{https://icis2022.aisconferences.org/submissions/types-of-submissions/}{Types of Submissions \& Instructions} document. \textbf{Any submission that
exceeds page length limits will be rejected without review}.
Your paper’s title should be using the “Title” style in this template (which is configured as Georgia 20-point bold). Ensure proper capitalization within your title (i.e. “The Next Frontier of Information Systems” versus “the next frontier of Information systems.”
All proper nouns should be capitalized. Articles (the, a), coordinating conjunctions (and, but, or, for, nor, etc.) should not be capitalized, unless, of course, they are used as the first word in the title. Likewise for prepositions (on, at, to, from, by, etc.).
\section{Normal or Body Text}
Please use a 10-point Georgia font (similar to Times New Roman, but more easily
read online) or, if it is unavailable, another proportional font with serifs, as
close as possible in appearance to Times New Roman 10-point. On a Macintosh, the
similar font will be named Times and not Times New Roman. Please use sans-serif
or non-proportional fonts only for special purposes, such as source code text
(\texttt{\textbackslash texttt\{\}}). [References to Georgia font from this
point forward should be interpreted as ``Georgia or equivalent.'']
The heading of a section should be Georgia 13-point bold, left justified
(\texttt{\textbackslash section\{\}} in this template file). Sections should not be numbered.
Headings of subsections should be in Georgia 11-point bold italics with initial
letters capitalized (\texttt{\textbackslash subsection\{\}}). (Note: for
sub-sections and sub-subsections, words like 'the', 'of', 'a', 'an' are not
capitalized unless it is the first word of the heading.)
Headings for sub-subsections should be in Georgia 10-point bold with initial
letters capitalized (\texttt{\textbackslash subsubsection\{\}}). Please do not
go any further into another layer/level.
\section{Figures, Tables \& Captions}
Place figures and tables close to the relevant text (or where they are
referenced in the text). Captions should be Georgia 10-point bold (Caption
Style in this template file). They should be numbered (e.g., ``Table 1'' or
``Figure 2''), centered and placed beneath the figure or table. Please note that
the words ``Figure'' and ``Table'' should be spelled out (e.g., ``Figure'' rather than ``Fig.'') wherever they occur. The proceedings will be made available online, thus color figures are possible.
\subsection{Inserting Images}
Occasionally MS Word generates larger-than-necessary PDF files when images
inserted into the document are manipulated in MS Word. To minimize this
problem, use an image editing tool to resize the image at the appropriate
printing resolution (usually 300 dpi), and then insert the image into Word using
Insert | Picture | From File\ldots
As indicated in Figure 1, using tables to hold places can work very well in
Word. If you want to copy a figure from another application (such as PowerPoint)
and then paste to the place where you want your figure to be, make sure that (1)
the figure stays in the position, and (2) it does not take up too much
space. You can ensure the former by double clicking the figure, then go to
``Layout'' tab, and select ``In line with text.'' To ensure the latter, use ``Paste
Special,'' then select ``Picture.'' You can resize the figure to your desired size
once it is pasted. Look at Figure~1.
% Test image
% \hspace*{-0.4cm}
\hline \\ [-11pt]
\includegraphics[scale = 0.45]{testimage.png} \\ [-4pt]
\addstackgap[7pt]{{\usefont{T1}{ptm}{b}{n}Figure 1.\hspace{0.09cm} Sample caption. Should be bold, centered, and below}}\\
\caption*{}\label{fig:test} % To remove "Figure number" and legend. But the figure should be named and added manually to the list of figures.
\subsection{Table Style}
Inserting a table in the text can work well. You may want to adjust the vertical
spacing of the text in the tables. (In Word, use Format | Paragraph\ldots~and
then the Line and Page Breaks tab. Generally, text in each field of a table will
look better if it has equal amounts of spacing above and below it, as in
This is what a test table might look like.
% \setlength{\LTleft}{-4pt}
& Treatment 1 & Treatment 2 \\ \hline
Setting A & 125 & 95 \\ \hline
Setting B & 85 & 102 \\ \hline
Setting C & 98 & 85 \\ \hline
\multicolumn{3}{|c|}{\normalsize{{\usefont{T1}{ptm}{b}{n}Table 1. \hspace{0.09cm} A Very Nice Table}}} \rule{0pt}{3ex} \\ [4pt] \hline
\section{Language, Style, and Content}
With regard to spelling and punctuation, you may use any dialect of English
(e.g., British, Canadian, US, etc.) provided this is done
consistently. Hyphenation is optional. To ensure suitability for an
international audience, please pay attention to the following:
\item Write in a straightforward style.
\item Try to avoid long or complex sentence structures.
\item Briefly define or explain all technical terms that may be unfamiliar to
\item Explain all acronyms the first time they are used in your text - e.g.,
``primary care provider (PCP)''.
\item Explain local references (e.g., not everyone knows all city names in a
particular country).
\item Be careful with the use of gender-specific pronouns (he, she) and other
gendered words (chairman, manpower, man-months). Use inclusive language that
is gender-neutral (e.g., they, s/he, chair, staff, staff-hours, person-years).
It is important that you write for a general audience. It is also important that your work is presented in a professional fashion. This guideline is intended to help you achieve that goal. By adhering to the guideline, you also help the conference organizers tremendously in reducing our workload and ensuring impressive presentation of your conference paper. We thank you very much for your cooperation and look forward to receiving a professional looking, camera-ready version!
\section{Acknowledgements (optional)}
Please do not add acknowledgements to your original submission because it will help identify authors. Acknowledgements may be added later, if the paper is accepted.
References are to be formatted using the new MIS Quarterly style (\url{http://www.misq.org/manuscript-guidelines} under MISQ References Format). References must be complete, i.e., include, as appropriate, volume, number, month, publisher, city and state, editors, last name \& initials of all authors, page numbers, etc. Getting bibtex to do that is one goal of this
template. This is a test citation of a single author book
\autocite{bonini_simulation_1963}, and a two author book section
\autocite{chenhall_formal_1989}. Next comes the scary 4 author et
al. \autocite{zhang2006}, and a multi-cite cite \autocite{bonini_simulation_1963,
ackoff_management_1961}. I'll add a website \autocite{Ahlers2013} and the R manual
\autocite{R2014} just to test things out. Check the references section at the end to see if these are properly arranged.
Your references should comprise only published materials accessible to the public. Proprietary information may not be cited.
References should be ordered in alphabetic order.
% \bibliographystyle{misq}
% \bibliography{references}
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