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% In the file EDITABLE-setup/setup.tex
% you can change all sorts of stuff like
% your name, distances between different elements,
% colors of things, sizes, etc.
% Then the folder EDITABLE-sections contains files,
% and each file corresponds to a section.
% You can add/remove/edit the files.
% When a section has been either added or removed,
% the corresponding change needs to be included in
% the file EDITABLE-sections/0-all.tex.
% This file includes the structure of the whole CV.
% Finally, the file EDITABLE-sections/bibliography.bib
% contain bibtex references.
% There are a few commands for a CV segment that
% can be included in the CV sections:
% * CVPlainTextField
% Options: plaintext
% * \CVExperienceField
% Option: dates, title, uppercasetitle (yes/no), subtitle, location, titlecomment, bulletlist
% * CVLabeledTextField
% Options: labeltext, content
% * CVLabeledBulletListField
% Options: labeltext, bulletlistcontent
% * CVKeywordReferences
% Options: labeltext, keyword
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