% MTecknology's Resume
% Author: Michael Lustfield
% License: CC-BY-4
% - https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode.txt
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% John Doe's Resume %
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% Heading %
\documentTitle{John Doe}{
% Web Version
%\raisebox{-0.05\height} \faPhone\ [redacted - web copy] ~
%\raisebox{-0.15\height} \faEnvelope\ [redacted - web copy] ~
\raisebox{-0.05\height} \faPhone\ 123-456-7890} ~ | ~
\raisebox{-0.15\height} \faEnvelope\ USER@domain.tld} ~ | ~
\raisebox{-0.15\height} \faLinkedin\ linkedin.com/in/USER} ~ | ~
\raisebox{-0.15\height} \faGithub\ github.com/USER}
% Summary %
Simplified version of a monstrosity that I built back in college using current best practices.
% Skills %
\begin{itemize}[itemsep=-2px, parsep=1pt, leftmargin=75pt]
\item[\textbf{Automation}] SaltStack, Ansible, Chef, Puppet
\item[\textbf{Cloud}] Salt-Cloud, Linode, GCP, AWS
\item[\textbf{Languages}] Python, Bash, PHP, Perl, VB/C\#.Net
\item[\textbf{OS}] Debian, Ubuntu, CentOS, BSD, AIX
\item[\textbf{Policies}] CIS, SOC2, PCI-DSS, GDPR, ITIL
\item[\textbf{Testing}] Pytest, Docker, CircleCI, Jenkins, Inspec
% Experience %
\headingBf{Consulting Corp}{Jul 2015 -- Jun 2025}
\headingIt{Senior DevOps Engineer (FTE Consultant)}{}
\itemTitle{Client: Notable Placement}
\item Analyzed network traffic patterns to identify bottlenecks and optimize performance
\item Implemented firewall rules to enhance network security and prevent unauthorized access
\item Conducted regular vulnerability assessments and applied patches to secure systems
\item Collaborated with cross-functional teams to streamline IT processes and improve efficiency
\itemTitle{Client: Challenges Unlimited}
\item Configured monitoring tools to track system performance and troubleshoot issues proactively
\item Automated routine tasks using scripts to reduce manual effort and increase productivity
\item Documented system configurations and procedures for knowledge sharing within the team
\item Participated in disaster recovery planning and drills to ensure business continuity in case of emergencies
\itemTitle{Client: Broken Galleries}
\item Implemented cloud migration strategies to move applications to a hybrid environment
\item Optimized database performance through indexing and query tuning techniques
\item Conducted capacity planning and scalability assessments to support future growth
\item Provided on-call support for critical issues and worked on root cause analysis for incident resolution
\headingBf{HealthCo Industries}{Feb 2011 -- Mar 2016}
\headingIt{Senior Systems Administrator (SRE)}{}
\item Managed virtualized server environment spanning multiple data centers
\item Oversaw migration of critical business applications to cloud-based platforms
\item Configured and monitored network security measures, including firewalls and intrusion detection systems
\item Implemented multi-factor authentication for remote access to company systems
\item Streamlined patch management process, reducing vulnerabilities and downtime
\item Conducted regular vulnerability assessments and penetration testing
\item Automated server provisioning and configuration management tasks
\item Maintained documentation for IT policies and procedures
\item Coordinated responses to cybersecurity incidents with internal teams and external vendors
% Education %
\headingBf{State University}{} % Note: Adding year(s) exposes an implied age
\headingIt{Bachelor of Science in Computer Information Systems}{}
\headingIt{Minors: Networking ; Network Security}{}
\item Salt \hspace{2pt}- SaltStack Certified Engineer
\item GCP - Professional Cloud Architect
% Extracurricular Activities %
\headingBf{Hospital / Health Science IRB}{Mar 2015 -- Present}
\item Served as non-scientific/unaffiliated patient-representative
\item Reviewed patient consent forms for completeness, accuracy, and clarity
\item Became familiar with industry standards and regulations (OHRP, HIPAA)
\headingBf{Debian Linux}{Jan 2001 -- Present}
\item Maintained packages in Debian repositories
\item Reviewed and sponsored packages on behalf of prospective Developers
\item Resolved bugs reported in bug tracking system