% One Page Basic Software Developing Engineer Professional CV (North America)
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% Version 1.0 (10/30/2021)
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% Author:
% NíCǎi
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\documentclass[a4paper]{resume} % Use the custom resume.cls style
\usepackage[left=0.5in,top=0.5in,right=0.5in,bottom=0.5in]{geometry} % Document margins
\name{FirstName LastName} % Your name
\address{\small (+1)xxxxxxxx || xxxxxxxx@gmail.com || Linkedin.xxx.com}
\begin{rSection}{\large Education}
% \small
{\bf FIRST UNIVERSITY} \hfill { Sep. 2018 - May. 2020}
\\Master of Science in CS \hfill {\textbf{\underline{(\texttt{GPA:3.8+}) Greater Los Angeles Area}}}
{\bf SECOND UNIVERSITY} \hfill { Sep. 2014 - Jun. 2018}
\\Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering \hfill {\textbf{\underline{Shanghai City. China}}}
\begin{rSection}{\large Skills}
% \small
\textbf{Programming Languages:} \hfill \textbf{Java, C\texttt{\#}, Python, JavaScript, HTML/CSS, SQL} \\
\textbf{ Certifications:} \hfill \textbf{ AWS Certified Solutions Architect / JIRA Scrum Master Certificate}\\
\textbf{Development \& Tools:} AWS, kubernetes, Django, ASP.NET MVC / Core, Spring Boot, React, Redis, mySQL, Redis, Kibana, Jenkins, K8s, Git, Distributed System, Agile Development (Scrum)\\
\begin{rSection}{\large Work Experience}
% \small
%job 1 开始
\begin{rSubsection}{\textbf{\large{SOFTWARE DEVELOPER I }}}{July. 2019 - Now}{FLAG. Inc || ADs Team}{Mountain View. California}
\item Maintained and upgraded system for a more robust Ads, which is a rapidly growing \textbf{ADs platform}. Experience with \textbf{Microservices} (AWS, GCP) and Load Balancer ensuring over \textbf{tens of thousands of} orders per day.
\item Solved Time \& Secure Sensitive Tickets: Error Tracking, Hot Fix and deployed to all clusters with \textbf{CI/CD} tools, like \textbf{Kubernetes, Jenkeins and Powershell}.
\item Cooperated with a global team. Improved stability and security, migrated legacy code to Golang. Implemented \textbf{RESTful APIs} to retire legacy code Wrote \textbf{Unit Test} to ensure new APIs' stability.
\item Upgraded \textbf{CI/CD} pipeline for Test and Production Environment, wrote script to replaced manual build-deployment environment by \textbf{Kubernetes, Jenkins} tools.
%Job 2 开始
\begin{rSubsection}{\textbf{\large{SOFTWARE ENGINEER INTERN}}}{Feb. 2019 - Apr. 2019}{FAANG TECHNOLOGIES, INC.}{Seattle. WA}
\item Developed the used car trading platform frontend using \textbf{React.js + Bootstrap framework, JavaScript, CSS/HTML}. Improved website performance (Responsive for mobile and tablet devices)
\item Developed and maintained web backend using \textbf{Python Django} frameWork. Migrated data from relational database to \textbf{MongoDB} for higher database performance.
\begin{rSection}{\large Projects}
%project1 开始
\begin{rSubsection}{\textbf{\large{Intelligent Events Recommendation App}} $\quad$}{ Jan 2020 - Apr. 2020}{}
\item Utilized \textbf{HTML/CSS/Js} and \textbf{React.native} to implement the App design of a native application that allows user to search nearby events.
\item Utilized Crawler and \textbf{Google Event's APIs} to get the latest evnets neary the users' geo location.
\item Designed \textbf{Content-Based-Recommendation} algorithms based on search history and favourite records.
\item Utilized \textbf{Java servlets with Restful APIs} to handle HTTP requests and responses. Handle APIs exceptions e.g. when API response is timeout.
\item Wrote Unit test and Deployed build to \textbf{Amazon EC2} and \textbf{Google GCE}
%project2 开始
\begin{rSubsection}{\textbf{\large{NFL PLAYER STRENGTH VISUALIZATION}} $\quad$}{ Dec 2019 - Feb. 2020}{}
\item Built a dashboard including a shot chart and bar charts to visualize shot data.
\item Lifted shared React States up to link highlighting among all charts.
\item Designed a field goal filter for a detailed visualization of areas with made shots.
\item Created match filters to provide specific visual stats for home, away, won and lost.
% 5. END