overleaf template galleryLaTeX templates — Recent
LaTeX templates for journal articles, academic papers, CVs and résumés, presentations, and more.

EPTCS Style distribution v1.7.0 released May 23, 2022. This template project contains: the EPTCS LaTeX style file eptcs.cls: current version 1.7 (2022/05/20), the EPTCS bibliography style file eptcs.bst and three variants, the file example.tex with instructions for both, also serving as an example template, and a bibliography file generic.bib that is called from example.tex. See http://www.style.eptcs.org for more. Please file any issues at https://github.com/EPTCS/style.

RPA- Relatório de Planejamento e Atividades

Different sticky notes you can use in your text. Just copy and paste the code for the notes you want to use in your project. This template also includes a NB command \NB that may be useful (in combination with the notes).

TMLR LaTeX style file and template as of 2022-05-20. Created by the TMLR Editorial Board, submitted to Overleaf Gallery by Samuel Ainsworth.

我发现overleaf上别的计算机学报LaTeX模板都跟官方给的LaTeX渲染结果示例有区别,所以我拿官方的模板来改了一个overleaf可用的版本。 基本可用,如有使用问题或改进意见请联系本人:微信PolarisRisingWar诸神缄默不语,或CSDN诸神缄默不语PolarisRisingWar

This is template that can be used for publishing an Honours thesis in Engineering (Civil) at The University of Sydney.

Diapositivas con la imagen corporativa de la Universidad de Murcia (UMU).

Template for abstract to the JRDA 2022.

Template para artigos acadêmicos utilizando como modelo a Sociedade Brasileira de Computação para trabalhos de conclusão de curso de Sistemas da Informação do Centro Universitário Avantis - UNIAVAN
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