Template for MIEIC's MSc thesis and thesis preparations projects.
Made by João Correia Lopes (jcl) https://web.fe.up.pt/~jlopes/doku.php/teach/feupteses
A LaTeX ( Beamer ) template to help students, professors, or researchers from Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG) to prepare their presentation slides in the format 16:9. Besides presenting a modern design concept, UFGTeXPresentation provides different slides’ layout and color schemas to personalize the presentation.
This project can be tracked at https://github.com/deuslirio/UFGTeX-Presentation
Portrait version of Mike Morrison's Better Scientific Poster idea. Built on landscape version developed by Rafael Bailo (https://github.com/rafaelbailo/betterposter-latex-template).
Daniel Bradford, Rafael Bailo, Mike Morrison
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