Modelo para o Traballo Fin de Mestrado do Máster Inter-Universitario en Ciberseguridade (MUniCS) das Universidades de Vigo e da Coruña. Baseado en Clean Thesis de Ricardo Langner
MUniCS Master's Thesis template for the Universities of Vigo and Coruña. Based on Clean Thesis by Ricardo Langner
Unofficial Yonsei Thesis/Dissertation Template
I will not be responsible for any consequences and losses caused by the use of this template.
Use XeLaTeX instead of pdfLaTex or LuaLaTeX!
I heard that more people than I expected have been using it. Thank you to those who have used it even though the template is unofficial. Also, I fixed some bugs of the template. If you have any issues, please report them in the GitHub issue above.
This is a template to generate an archaeological catalogue from data in spreadsheet format using the `csvsimple` package.
You can learn more about the template in this blogpost:
And here's the Github:
Classe LaTeX para preparação de trabalhos acadêmicos do Ifes em conformidade com as normas estabelecidas no documento “Normas para Apresentação de Trabalhos Acadêmicos e Científicos: Documento Impresso e/ou Digital”, 8ª edição -- nov/2017.
A versão mais atual desta classe pode ser encontrada em
Template for presentations from the Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU). Users who like the template can copy or download this project. This project is also found in a repository on
Diese Vorlage dient zur Erstellung von wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten am Lehrstuhl VWL 5 an der Universität Bayreuth. Weitere Hinweise zur Erstellung von wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten befinden sich auf der Homepage des Lehrstuhls.
NKThesis: Nankai University Undergraduate Thesis Template V2.0
Released in Jan 2023
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