Starte deine Projekte mit hochwertigen LaTeX-Vorlagen für Zeitschriften, Lebensläufe, Zusammenfassungen, Papers, Präsentationen, Aufgaben, Briefe, Projektberichte und mehr. Suchen oder unten durchblättern.
A template for the University of Bristol, MSc Robotics/ Biorobotics and Aerial Robotics degree programmes
Hemma Philamore, Paul O Dowd, Helmut Hauser
Imperial College London Beamer Template Offiziell
Official beamer template for Imperial College London. Landscape and portrait formats are supported. These templates, including logo and fonts, are for use of Imperial staff and students only for university business.
Imperial College London
TGDK Template v2021
A LaTeX template for TGDK provided by Dagstuhl Publishing (v2021), see
Dagstuhl Publishing
Template - Poster TILic
Template para pôster do Workshop de Iniciação Científica em Tecnologia da Informação e da Linguagem Humana — TILic
Marcio Lima Inácio