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依据2023版的湖北大学本科生毕业论文(设计)文本规范文档编写的latex模板。如有任何issue 请和我直接联系👌😀
UMR Thesis Template
Thesis template for University of Marburg, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Chair for Artificial Intelligence
Christin Seifert
NORTH University Centre of Baia Mare, bachelor thesis template
This is the template for the students of Computers Program who will submit the bachelor thesis. It is made following the guidelines from the Faculty of Engineering, North University Centre of Baia Mare, Technical University of Cluj Napoca.
PhD Template ChEng Auth
Template for a PhD thesis for the Chemical Engineering department of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
Leontiadis Konstantinos
Apresentação Aula - CEFET-RJ
Modelo de Apresentação que pode ser utilizado pelos professores e alunos do CEFET-RJ.
*editado de um modelo do Instituto Federal
Haron Calegari Fanticelli