RenderCV Classic Theme
Sina Atalay
Letzte Aktualisierung:
vor 7 Monaten
Other (as stated in the work)
A CV/resume theme of RenderCV.

Discover why over 20 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
Discover why over 20 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
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pdftitle={John Doe's CV},
pdfauthor={John Doe},
pdfcreator={LaTeX with RenderCV},
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\small\color{gray}\textit{Last updated in September 2024}\hspace{\widthof{Last updated in September 2024}}
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\textbf{John Doe}
\vspace{0.3 cm}
\mbox{{\footnotesize\faMapMarker*}\hspace*{0.13cm}Your Location}%
\kern 0.25 cm%
\kern 0.25 cm%
\kern 0.25 cm%
\kern 0.25 cm%
\mbox{\hrefWithoutArrow{tel:+90-541-999-99-99}{{\footnotesize\faPhone*}\hspace*{0.13cm}0541 999 99 99}}%
\kern 0.25 cm%
\kern 0.25 cm%
\kern 0.25 cm%
\kern 0.25 cm%
\kern 0.25 cm%
\kern 0.25 cm%
\vspace{0.3 cm - 0.3 cm}
\section{Welcome to RenderCV!}
\href{https://rendercv.com}{RenderCV} is a LaTeX-based CV/resume version-control and maintenance app. It allows you to create a high-quality CV or resume as a PDF file from a YAML file, with \textbf{Markdown syntax support} and \textbf{complete control over the LaTeX code}.
\vspace{0.2 cm}
The boilerplate content was inspired by \href{https://github.com/dnl-blkv/mcdowell-cv}{Gayle McDowell}.
\section{Quick Guide}
\item Each section title is arbitrary and each section contains a list of entries.
\item There are 7 unique entry types: \textit{BulletEntry}, \textit{TextEntry}, \textit{EducationEntry}, \textit{ExperienceEntry}, \textit{NormalEntry}, \textit{PublicationEntry}, and \textit{OneLineEntry}.
\item Select a section title, pick an entry type, and start writing your section!
\item \href{https://docs.rendercv.com/user_guide/}{Here}, you can find a comprehensive user guide for RenderCV.
Sept 2000 – May 2005
\textbf{University of Pennsylvania}, Computer Science
\item GPA: 3.9/4.0 (\href{https://example.com}{a link to somewhere})
\item \textbf{Coursework:} Computer Architecture, Comparison of Learning Algorithms, Computational Theory
Cupertino, CA
June 2005 – Aug 2007
\textbf{Apple}, Software Engineer
\item Reduced time to render user buddy lists by 75\% by implementing a prediction algorithm
\item Integrated iChat with Spotlight Search by creating a tool to extract metadata from saved chat transcripts and provide metadata to a system-wide search database
\item Redesigned chat file format and implemented backward compatibility for search
\vspace{0.2 cm}
Redmond, WA
June 2003 – Aug 2003
\textbf{Microsoft}, Software Engineer Intern
\item Designed a UI for the VS open file switcher (Ctrl-Tab) and extended it to tool windows
\item Created a service to provide gradient across VS and VS add-ins, optimizing its performance via caching
\item Built an app to compute the similarity of all methods in a codebase, reducing the time from $\mathcal{O}(n^2)$ to $\mathcal{O}(n \log n)$
\item Created a test case generation tool that creates random XML docs from XML Schema
\item Automated the extraction and processing of large datasets from legacy systems using SQL and Perl scripts
Jan 2004
\textbf{3D Finite Element Analysis of No-Insulation Coils}
\vspace{0.10 cm}
\mbox{Frodo Baggins}, \mbox{\textbf{\textit{John Doe}}}, \mbox{Samwise Gamgee}
\vspace{0.10 cm}
\textbf{Multi-User Drawing Tool}
\item Developed an electronic classroom where multiple users can simultaneously view and draw on a "chalkboard" with each person's edits synchronized
\item Tools Used: C++, MFC
\vspace{0.2 cm}
\textbf{Synchronized Desktop Calendar}
\item Developed a desktop calendar with globally shared and synchronized calendars, allowing users to schedule meetings with other users
\item Tools Used: C\#, .NET, SQL, XML
\vspace{0.2 cm}
\textbf{Custom Operating System}
\item Built a UNIX-style OS with a scheduler, file system, text editor, and calculator
\item Tools Used: C
\textbf{Languages:} C++, C, Java, Objective-C, C\#, SQL, JavaScript
\vspace{0.2 cm}
\textbf{Technologies:} .NET, Microsoft SQL Server, XCode, Interface Builder