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\title{Title of Abstract}
%%% If there are multiple authors of the abstract, please indicate the presenting author by underlining their full name. %%%
\author{First Author\textsuperscript{1}, \underline{Second Author}\textsuperscript{1,2}, Third Author\textsuperscript{2}, etc. \\
\footnotesize \textsuperscript{1} Department, University or Institution, City (Town), Country \\
\footnotesize \textsuperscript{2} Department, University or Institution, City (Town), Country \\
\footnotesize \textsuperscript{3} Department, University or Institution, City (Town), Country
Here goes the abstract text.
{e}^{\imath \pi} + 1 = 0\,.
To refer to this equation in the text, one can use the expression ``see equation \eqref{eq:eul_identity}''. Similarly, to refer to the bibliography entry, one can use the format ``\cite{BookDiffElaydi2005,emmrich1999}''.
\newblock \emph{An introduction to difference equations}.
\newblock Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics. Springer, New York, third
edition, 2005.
\newblock ISBN 0-387-23059-9.
\newblock DOI: \url{https://doi.org/10.1007/0-387-27602-5}.
\newblock Discrete versions of {G}ronwall's lemma and their application to the
numerical analysis of parabolic problems.
\newblock TU Berlin, Fachbereich Mathematik, Preprint No. 637, July 1999.
\newblock URL: \url{https://www3.math.tu-berlin.de/preprints/files/Preprint-637-1999.pdf}.
%%% Before submitting your abstract, we kindly ask you to rename the title of the file using your full name. %%%