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A&A LaTeX macro package v9.1
downloaded from http://ftp.edpsciences.org/pub/aa/readme.html
Note: In order to avoid the spurious warnings described in this TeX StackExchange post, this template is configured to create projects using TeX Live 2020.
A two row academic CV template.
This is just a normal two column layout, not paracol like many of my other templates.
It is fairly simple but can accommodate lots of information which can come in handy for academic CVs.
It is relatively classic and basic but still doesn't look like any other template either.
Since it doesn't use paracol, however, getting the black rules (cvrule) to line up beside each other might be difficult, if that's what you want. Usage with perfectly lined up rules wasn't intended, but could be achieved by changing the twocolumn to a normal article using the paracol package.
The colour can be made into grey or whatever you want. It is indicated in the comments where this can be done.
For listing publications, multiple different versions are available (look closely!). You can try out all the alternatives and then stick with what works best for you.
The github repo is here: https://github.com/latex-ninja/two-row-academic-cv