Ein Gallerie mit aktuellen und stilvollen LaTeX-Vorlagen, Beispielen, die beim Lernen von LaTeX unterstützen, und Papers und Präsentationen, veröffentlicht von unseren Nutzern. Suchen oder unten durchblättern.
A beamer template for University of Waterloo Math students.
As of Feb, 2023, this is only a personal contribution and is not an official template accredited by the University.
Minimal template for typesetting a CV in LaTeX. The main features that characterize this template are the programmatically generated icons and flags, the coherent design language, the tunable color scheme, and the extendability for personal use.
Hosted on https://github.com/FMatti/Minimal-CV
This template is based on the metropolis theme and can be used by students and staff of the University of Wuppertal for presentations made with LaTeX Beamer Class.
Mustafa Andre Schmidt
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