Ein Gallerie mit aktuellen und stilvollen LaTeX-Vorlagen, Beispielen, die beim Lernen von LaTeX unterstützen, und Papers und Präsentationen, veröffentlicht von unseren Nutzern. Suchen oder unten durchblättern.
A short primer of how reference with an approximation of UWE Harvard style.
Note that it doesn't quite match the quirks of when UWE Harvard uses et.al. after the first time a reference is cited within your text (i.e. this template works according to the rules of the first time a piece is cited within text, rather than the subsequent modifications).
My documentation report
Objective: Explain what I did and how, so someone can continue with the investigation
Important note:
Chapter heading images should have a 2:1 width:height ratio,
e.g. 920px width and 460px height.
Note: This was produced using the Legrand Orange Book template, available here.
Original author of the Legrand Orange Book template: Mathias Legrand (legrand.mathias@gmail.com) with modifications by: Vel (vel@latextemplates.com) Original License: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0
Ce document regroupe les codes TIKZ des figures utilisées pour le cours "Oscillateurs Mécaniques" situé à la page http://femto-physique.fr/mecanique/meca_C4.php
This is an unofficial Indian Institute of Technology Bombay Poster Presentation Template (modified version). Feel free to use it, modify it, and share it.