Gallerie — Modern Language Association (MLA)
Galerieelemente in der Kategorie Modern Language Association (MLA)
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mla-paper – Proper MLA formatting
The package formats articles using the MLA style. The aim is that students and other academics in the humanities should be able to typeset their materials, properly, with minimal effort on their part.
Ryan Aycock, Steven Wheelwright
MLA Style Paper Template
MLA rules based on
Style based on Ryan Alcock's MLA style file.
Refer to The LaTeX Wikibook for basic formatting rules.
Artem Raymond Doll
MLA Style Extended Paper Template
Uses a slightly modified version of the mla13 style in order to minimize effort on the user's part and remove noise from the LaTeX document while being consistent.
This extended template include a title page, a table of contents, an abstract page (After table of contents), and a works cited page which is updated based on a bibliography.
This style should be suited for anyone who needs to use MLA styling on a research paper or a similar assignment.
Zenohm Smith
MLA Paper
Adheres to the MLA Style Guide for papers:
Includes an environment for creating Block Quotations
Richard Samuelson