Beispiele für mächtigen LaTeX Paketen and Anwendung von Techniken — eine tolle Möglichkeit an Hand von Beispielen LaTeX zu lernen. Suchen oder unten durchblättern.
Este ejemplo representa el esquema de un amplificador diferencial construido con un amplificador operacional y cinco resistencias, el cual se usa para calcular la ganancia de la diferencia de dos señales independientes. Las notaciones son las siguientes:
vA: tensión de entrada 1.
vB: tensión de entrada 2.
RA: resistencia.
RB: resistencia.
Rf: resistencia.
RL: resistencia de carga.
vo: tensión de salida.
Este esquema es una adaptación del que se encuentra en el la página 71, Capítulo 2 del texto "Electrónica, 2da Edición" de Allan R. Hambley, publicado en idioma español por la editorial Pearson Educación.
This template creates a dictionary with a two-column layout and clear headings delimiting different letters. The header on each page contains the first and last word on that page, making for easy navigation. Converting your current dictionary information to use in this template is easy as a single command specifies the addition of each word. By default, this line has four arguments for the: word, pronunciation, classification and definition. Each can be customized as required (e.g. bold, italic, sans-serif, etc) or other arguments can be added. When you want to add your own content in bulk, simply write a regular expression to split it into these arguments and copy it into the template.
This template has been downloaded from
Original author:
Vel ( inspired by a template by Marc Lavaud
Use the psfrag package to replace strings in EPS images, so that they are typeset with the same body font as your LaTeX document. Note that your project needs to be compiled with the LaTeX dvipdf engine. To configure this, after creating a new project, click on the Overleaf menu icon above the file list panel, and make sure the "Compiler" setting is set to "LaTeX". (The sample image is taken from the psfrag package.)
A simple example demonstrating how to use some wiki markup syntax in LaTeX, using wiki.sty from the nicetext bundle. Be careful — not everything works, and some commands may break! See for a cheat sheet. If you're looking for markdown, check out this example!