CWP Report Template for Colorado School of Mines
Jeffrey Shragge and Aaron Girard
Letzte Aktualisierung
vor 5 Jahren
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
CWP annual report template for Colorado School of Mines.
Updated 2/27/2020
CWP annual report template for Colorado School of Mines.
Updated 2/27/2020
%\documentclass{cwpreport} % for review/editing/polishing
%\linespread{1.5} % for review/editing/polishing
\documentclass[onecolumn]{cwpreport} % for final draft
% Packages used by default CWP reports built by M8R
% Specific paper formatting for CWP report
% Final draft only
\title[Short Title]{I Wish I Could Come Up With A More Creative Title}
% for editing/reviewing
%\title{Measuring wave propagation through an open-pit mine using stereo videos}
%\righthead{training data}
%\lefthead{Rapstine & Sava}
% Final draft only
\author[Author1 \& Author2]{Jane Author1 \& John Author2
Center for Wave Phenomena and Dept. of Geophysics, Colorado School of Mines, Golden CO 80401 \\ email}
%\author{Thomas Rapstine, Paul Sava, Ashley Grant, \& Jeff Shragge}
% Uncomment for final draft only
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% Uncomment for final draft only
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Keyword1, Keyword2, Keyword3
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Here is an example of an citation \citep{hale_atomic_2001}. Here is an example of an inline citation from \cite{haber_inversion_2007}.
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And now for some theory:
(x+3)(x+2)=x^2+5x+6 \geq x^2
\caption{Here is the CWP logo.}
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\caption{Photo of the (a) Daintree River in Australia and (b) the Geleda Monkeys.}
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We thank the sponsor companies of the Center for Wave Phenomena,
whose support made this research possible.
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