KIT ETP Belle beamer template
James Kahn
Letzte Aktualisierung
vor 5 Jahren
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
KIT ETP Belle beamer template
KIT ETP Belle beamer template
% !TeX encoding = UTF-8
% !TeX spellcheck = en_US
\documentclass[11pt, aspectratio=169]{beamer}
% Make links show up as coloured
colorlinks = true,
allcolors = black,
urlcolor = blue,
\includegraphics[max width = \textwidth, max height=0.8\textheight]{#1}%
\let\emph\relax % there's no \RedeclareTextFontCommand
\subtitle{Something for XYZ 2009}
\author{Must Maxermann}
\institute{Institut für Experimentelle Teilchenphysik (ETP)}
\date{DDth Month YYYY}
% You can add any logos you like by uploading them into the logos folder and replacing the blank image here
% Bibliography
% Uncomment and upload your own references if you so please.
% \usepackage[citestyle=authoryear,bibstyle=numeric,hyperref,backend=biber]{biblatex}
% \addbibresource{references.bib}
% \bibhang1em
% One way to make a slide
\frametitle{Example slide 1}
Look a these points
Another great point
This point is so great
\item It needed it's own
\item Sub points
\begin{block}{Green means go}
These must be super important points
They're inside a box
\caption{Hehe particles go BRRRR}
% Wow crazy, another way to make a title
\begin{frame}{Full frame legend example}