Reykjavík University Presentation Template
Joseph T. Foley
Letzte Aktualisierung
vor 5 Jahren
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
A Beamer presentation template with Reykjavik University color and logo.
A Beamer presentation template with Reykjavik University color and logo.
%% Reykjavik University Presentation Template by Joseph T. Foley < foley AT ru DOT is >
%% Add option "icelandic" to switch sections and labels
%% Add one of these options to change the aspect ratio:
%% 1610 149 54 43 32 which is 16:10 14:9 etc.
%% If you have customizations and packages you use a lot, put them in custom-beamer.sty
%% It will be automatically loaded if it exists
%% I have loaded this with packages and macros I find useful
%%----------- Citations ---------------------------
%% I highly advise using JabRef to manage your .bib files.
%% It can catch a lot of errors early and helps you fill things in.
%% In particular, you probably want to set it to fix line endings to NL only in the preferences.
%%%% Now pick a citation style
%%IEEE citations (just numbers)
%\usepackage[backend=biber, bibencoding=utf8, style=ieee]{biblatex}
%% APA style (author, year) -- need all of these lines
%\usepackage[backend=biber, bibencoding=utf8, style=apa]{biblatex}
%\DeclareLanguageMapping{american}{american-apa} % after biblatex and babel
%% Alphabetic (abbrv-year), more compact
\usepackage[backend=biber, bibencoding=utf8, style=alphabetic]{biblatex}
%% Put your reference library files here. Don't forget to put the .bib
%% extension. If you have multiple people with their own libraries (or
%% are using the Zotero plugin) it is a good idea to have multiple
%% files separated according to some agreement. This is the divisions the author uses:
\addbibresource{references.bib}%references specific to this paper
\addbibresource{references-ad.bib}%reference related to Axiomatic Design
\addbibresource{references-foley.bib}%references that the author has participated on. Helpful for writing a CV.
\addbibresource{references-collections.bib}%Due to BibTeX/Biber processing, multi-author books and proceedings must go last if they are used as crossref.
%% ------------------ Graphics ----------------------------%%
%% This is a list of folders to search for graphics files to include in that order.
%% Each path should be in a {}.
%% Make sure that the upper/lowercase of the letters matches the folder or
%% you may have weird problems with partners using other operating systems.
%% -----------------Titles and Footers ---------------------%%
%% The abbreviated information goes in the [], the full information in {}
\title[RU Presentation]{Reykjavík University Presentation Template}
\subtitle[demo]{A Demonstration of Beamer, \LaTeX, and possibly Overleaf}
\institute[RU]{Reykjavík University}
\date[Final 2019]{Final Presentations 2019}%Set this to when you will present
%----------- titlepage ----------------------------------------------%
\begin{frame}[plain]%plain option gets rid of the footer and the per-page logo
% \begin{textblock}{10}(12,4)
% \includegraphics[width=0.3\textwidth]{ru-logo}
% \end{textblock}
%----------- slides ----------------------------------------------%
How to get help:
\item \url{}
\item \url{} {\it but Caveat Emptor!}\/
\item \url{}
\item \url{} for template related questions
\frametitle{Preparing the Presentation}
\item Give sources for all pictures and cite information sources e.g. \cite{vossebeld2018customer}
\item More pictures, less text.
\item More slides, less time per slide.
\item 45--60 seconds per slide, no more.
\item Tell a story (make sure it flows).
\item Spellcheck!
\item Freeze any changes at least an hour before you present: {\em last minute changes confuse the presenters}\/
\begin{frame}[fragile]%You need the fragile option when you have any sort of verbatim environment
\frametitle{Dealing with graphics}
\item Put them in the \path{graphics/} folder, not where the \url{.tex} is. This will keep your folders from becoming messy.
\item Reduce the image sizes to a maximum of 1920$\times$1080 e.g using ImageMagick (\url{}):
mogrify -size 1920x1920 *.jpg
will resize all jpg files in that folder to keep their aspect ratios but have no dimension bigger than 1920.
\item Give credit and/or a source if the presenters did not create the graphic or photo.
\frametitle{Giving the Presentation}
\item Grab the interest of the audience in the first 2 slides
\item Practice until you can do the slides without looking at them.
If you must have notes, put them on cards. Do not read from a page
nor the slides. It looks bad.
\item Scan and look around the audience.
\item Take a breath or drink instead of saying ``um'' and ``herna''.
\item Slow down.
\item Move around: don't just stand at the podium. Having a pointer really helps with this.
\item When in doubt, cite!
\item Anything in your presentation that you did not personally create should be cited
\item Use JabRef to manage your \path{.bib} files.
\item This template uses 4 separate libraries as a demonstration
\item \path{references.bib} References for this particular presentation
\item \path{references-ad.bib} References of a particular subject (Axiomatic Design\cite{suh1990principles,suh2001axiomatic})
\item \path{references-foley.bib} References from the author's CV library
\item \path{references-collections.bib} References for multi-author books, proceedings, and other collections.
They need to be separated so they can be used as ``crossref'' and avoid typing in the information every time.
\frametitle{Highlighting Stuff}
In this slide, some important text will be
\alert{highlighted} because it's important.
Please, don't abuse it. \cite{overleaf:beamer}
Sample text
\begin{alertblock}{Important theorem}
Sample text in red box
Sample text in green box. The title of the block is ``Examples".
\frametitle{Proof Example: There Is No Largest Prime Number}
\framesubtitle{The proof uses \textit{reductio ad absurdum}.}
There is no largest prime number.
\item<1-| alert@1> Suppose $p$ were the largest prime number.
\item<2-> Let $q$ be the product of the first $p$ numbers.
\item<3-> Then $q+1$ is not divisible by any of them.
\item<1-> But $q + 1$ is greater than $1$, thus divisible by some prime
number not in the first $p$ numbers.\qedhere
Source: \cite{wright2017beamer}
%% Here is a demonstration of how to place a graphic somewhere arbitrary on the page
%% width defines a "minipage" for text
%% X and Y are measured from the top left of the page in centimeters
%% or whatever base unit was defined
% \begin{textblock}{5}(7,2)
% \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{ru-logo}
% \end{textblock}
%% This is one way to make a graphic in a frame
\frametitle{Graphics demonstration: Þingvellir National Park}
% may have to change the ratios to get it to fit the text nicely
\caption{The site of the Icelandic parliment meetings of old. (Credit: J. Foley 2018)}
%% in beamer-custom.sty we also create a convenient macro to make it simpler
%% \graphicsframe{Title}{ratio}{filename}{caption text}
%%% You may have to change the ratios to get it to fit the text nicely
\frametitle{Two Column Format: Strokkur at Geysir}
\item Hot
\item Wet
\item Where we get the English word ``Geyser from.
Credit: J. Foley 2018
Thank you for your time.
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% TeXStudio Magic Comments %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% These comments that start with "!TeX" modify the way TeXStudio works
%% For details see Section 4.10
%% What encoding is the file in?
% !TeX encoding = UTF-8
%% What language should it be spellchecked?
% !TeX spellcheck = en_US
%% What program should I compile this document with?
% !TeX program = pdflatex
%% Which program should be used for generating the bibliography?
% !TeX TXS-program:bibliography = txs:///bibtex
%% This also sets the bibliography program for TeXShop and TeXWorks
% !BIB program = bibtex
%%% Local Variables:
%%% mode: latex
%%% TeX-master: t
%%% End: