LaTeX templates — Preprints

a basic arXiv template.

LaTeX style template suitable for “preprint” publications such as arXiv and bio-arXiv.

This is a basic article template for MIT CSAIL preprints (i.e., submissions to arXiv).

Template for writing scientific manuscripts. Features several examples of how to embed figures directly into the text. Use it to create compiled PDFs - e.g. for pre-peer review publication on the arXiv, bioRxiv, or to a repository such as figshare. To submit your manuscript to the arXiv, bioRxiv, figshare or one of many other destinations linked to from Overleaf, simply click the 'Journals & Services' button on the top bar of the Overleaf editor and choose the appropriate destination from the menu. You can also use the 'Download as zip - for submission' option in the Project menu to download a zip file containing all the required files for the submission (e.g. including the .bbl file if you've used a bibliography file for your references).

This is a template for scientific manuscripts. It follows standard conventions for organizing a manuscript, (Abstract / Intro / Results / Discussion / Methods). Things that make it unusually nice: it uses cleverref package and "phantom" subpanels so you can refer to "Figure 1A" as a hyperlink. You can easily change to: two-column format, double/single spacing, line numbers. I work at NYU Langone Health; the "Highlight" and "Accent" colors are from the institutional style guide for NYU Langone Health's violet / blue. NYU's style guide recommended Montserrat as a web-friendly sans serif font. License is CC0 -- i.e. no restrictions. I hope you find it useful. I will not provide any support for this template.

This template helps authors and translators submit to ArabicArxiv scientific community. هذا النموذج يساعد المؤلفين والمترجمين لتقديم مقالاتهم العلمية لأرشيف العرب.

A paper template for submissions to engrXiv, the eprint server for engineering.

A template for submitting articles to paleorXiv.

A sample template to submit papers to MarXiv: the free research repository for the ocean and marine-climate sciences. Documentation for MarXiv is available at The repository is located at This template is based on the engrXiv template, accessible at
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