LaTeX templates — Quiz, Test, Exam

Template Jawaban Tugas oleh KALKHULUQS

long test

This template lets you quickly typeset your homework. With 2 commands you are up and running and with a class option you can toggle the visibility of questions, so you can see the questions while you are typing your answers and then easily hide them to create a submission file. The markup of problems and subproblems can also be easily adapted without rewriting the class file.

This template can be used to produce quiz/exam paper by some small modifications.

The package offers a template for MCM (The Mathematical Contest in Modeling) and ICM (The Interdisciplinary Contest in Modeling) for typesetting the submitted paper. Fully adapted to the 2024 modeling format. 全面适配 2024 年建模比赛格式! Email:

Modele de doc LaTeX pour bac blanc maths avec page de garde style bac et préambule de l'APMEP adapté pour Overleaf et mise en page A4. Author: Vincent Pantaloni (Lycée Jean Zay, Orleans) Twitter @panlepan

Dr Driver's standard reading quiz template, downloaded from the github gist on 20th August 2014. The version on writeLaTeX has the commands for choosing the Meta and Meta Serif fonts commented out as these are not currently installed on the system. The template compiles with XeLaTeX.

This is the template for students making exams for MAT 307 at SUNY Oswego, taught by Bonita Graham in Spring 2016.

For use in the USA Mathematical Talent Search. Will update diagrams.
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