Template for NTU Graduate Final Exams
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Various useful NTU-specific (La)TeX sources and templates: This is a template for graduate final exams in LaTeX.
Various useful NTU-specific (La)TeX sources and templates: This is a template for graduate final exams in LaTeX.
% Do your customization here
\newcommand{\masunitnumber}{MAS 722}
\newcommand{\examdate}{December 2012}
\newcommand{\coursename}{Topics in Pure Mathematics I}
\definecolor{listinggray}{gray}{0.9} \lstset{language=c++}
\lstset{linewidth=\textwidth} \lstset{commentstyle=\tt,
\lstset{showstringspaces=false, keepspaces=true}
% Don't touch anything from here till instructions
% to candidates
\bf SEMESTER \semester\ EXAMINATION \academicyear
{\bf \masunitnumber -- \coursename}
\noindent \examdate\hspace{55truemm} TIME ALLOWED: \numberofhours\ HOURS
% Adjust your instructions here
\item This examination paper contains {\bf FIVE (5)} questions and
comprises {\bf THREE (3)} printed pages.\\
Answer all questions. \\
\item Answer each question beginning on a {\bf FRESH} page of the answer
\item Candidates may use calculators.
However, they should write down systematically the steps in the workings.
\item This is an {\bf open book} examination.
% leave this as it is
\newcommand{\Ques}[1]{\paragraph{\underline{Question {#1}}}\hfill\\\vspace{3mm}\\}
% put your exam questions here
\Ques{ 1}
Let $Z$ be a Zariski-closed set in $A^n$, the $n$-dimensional affine space over a
field $\F$.
Show that $Z$ is irreducible if and only if the coordinate ring $\F[Z]$ has no
zero divisors. \hfill (10~marks)
Give an example, with justification, of an irreducible $Z$.
\hfill (5~marks)
\hspace*{2cm} \hfill Total: 15~marks
\Ques{ 2}
Let $N$ be a subvariety (i.e. an irreducible Zariski closed subset)
of an affine algebraic variety $M\subset A^n$.
Show that $\dim N\leq \dim M$.
\hspace*{2cm} \hfill Total: 20~marks
\Ques{ 3}
Let $f:=f(x,y)$ be an irreducible complex cubic.
Show that the curve $f=0$ has at most one singular point,
and that the multiplicity of this point is two.
\hfill (10~marks)
({\bf Hint}. Use the Weierstrass normal form for the cubics.)
Show that the curve $f=0$ is either isomorphic to the nodal cubic $y^2=x^3+x^2$, or
isomorphic to the cuspidal cubic $y^2=x^3$.
\hfill (15~marks)
\hfill Total: 25~marks
\Ques{ 4}
A generating set of an ideal $I\subset\F[x_1,\dots,x_n]$ is called \emph{universal Gr\"{o}bner basis}
if it is a Gr\"{o}bner basis of $I$ with respect to any term order.
Compute a universal Gr\"{o}bner basis of the ideal $(x-y^2,xy-x)\subset\C[x,y]$.
\hfill Total: 20~marks
\Ques{ 5}
Let $S$ be the set of polynomials of the form $g^\ell$, for each
homogeneous $g\in\C[x_0,\dots,x_n]$ of degree $k$. Identify $S$ with a closed subset
of the Veronese variety in $\PP^{\binom{k\ell+n}{n}}$.
\hfill Total: 20~marks
\centerline{\bf END OF PAPER}