The University of Sheffield, Computer Science Report
Prof. Roger k. Moore
Letzte Aktualisierung
vor 6 Jahren
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
This is an unofficial version.
This is an unofficial version.
% USFD Academic Report Template
% Prof. Roger K. Moore
% University of Sheffield
% 30 July 2018
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% You need to edit the details here
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{\LARGE University of Sheffield}\\[1.5cm]
\linespread{1.2}\huge {\bfseries Title}\\[1.5cm]
{\Large Your Name}\\[1cm]
{\large \emph{Supervisor:} Supervisor's Name}\\[1cm] % if applicable
\large A report submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements\\ for the degree of ???? in Computer Science\\[0.3cm]
\textit{in the}\\[0.3cm]
Department of Computer Science\\[2cm]
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% Declaration
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\section*{\Large Declaration}
All sentences or passages quoted in this document from other people's work have been specifically acknowledged by clear cross-referencing to author, work and page(s). Any illustrations that are not the work of the author of this report have been used with the explicit permission of the originator and are specifically acknowledged. I understand that failure to do this amounts to plagiarism and will be considered grounds for failure.\\[1cm]
\noindent Name:\\[1mm]
\noindent Signature:\\[1mm]
\noindent Date:\\[1mm]
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% Abstract
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% Contents, list of figures, list of tables
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% Main sections (as required)
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% Bibliography
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% Appendices
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