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%---- Created by: Christle Jude L. Maquilan - April 2022 --
%---- @jmaq03.jm@gmail.com -----
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\title[Outer-connected Edge Domination in Graphs]{Outer-connected Edge Domination in Graphs}
\author [Maquilan, C.J. - 2016-00168]{\textbf{Christle Jude L. Maquilan (BS Mathematics)}}
\institute[Western Mindanao State University] {\emph{Adviser: }\textbf{Mohammad Nur S. Paspasan, Ph.D.}\\[1em]
Department of Mathematics and Statistics\\College of Science and Mathematics\\Western Mindanao State University\\[1em]
\includegraphics[scale=0.09]{./Figures/WMSU CSM DMS.png}}
\date[April 21, 2022]{\footnotesize Math 197 (Special Problem) - Final Defense - \textbf{April 21, 2022}}
%--------- START DOCUMENT ------------------
\begin{frame}{\frametitle{Presentation Outline}\tableofcontents}\end{frame}
%--------- INTRODUCTION ----------------------
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%---------- DEFINITION/PRELIMINARY ---------------------
\section{Working Definitions}
\frametitle{Working Definitions}
\begin{definition}\label{d19} A set $M \subseteq E(G)$ is an \emph{edge dominating set of $G$} if every $u \in E(G) \backslash M$ is adjacent to some $v \in M$. The \emph{edge domination number of $G$}, denoted by $\gamma_{e}(G)$, is the minimum cardinality of an edge dominating set of $G$. Any edge dominating set of $G$ with cardinality $\gamma_{e}(G)$ is referred to as a \emph{$\gamma_{e}$-set of $G$}.
\frametitle{Working Definitions (Cont'n)}
\normalfont{The sets $M_{1}=\{a, c, f\}, M_{2}=\{d, h\}$, and $M_{3}=\{a, e, g, h\}$ are edge dominating sets of $G$ in Figure 1.5. Moreover, $M_{2}=\{d, h\}$ is a minimum edge dominating set of $G$. Thus, $\gamma_{e}(G)=\left|M_{2}\right|=2$.}
\caption{A graph $G$ with $\gamma_{e}(G)=2$.\label{edom}}
%----------- MAIN RESULTS ------------------------------
\begin{remark}\label{rem: 1}
A set $S$ is an outer-connected edge dominating set of a graph $G$ if $S$ is an edge dominating set such that $H_{E(G) \backslash \mathrm{S}}$ does not have component isomorphic to $K_{2}$ or $S=E(G)$.
\indent To see this, consider graphs $G_{1}=P_{3}, G_{2}=P_{4}$, and $G_{3}=C_{8}$ in Figure \ref{3.1}.
Then, $\gamma_{oce}(P_{3})=2, \gamma_{oce}(P_{4})=3$, and $\gamma_{o c e}(C_{8})=4$.
\begin{frame}{Results (Cont'n)}
\caption{Graphs with $\gamma_{oce}(P_{3})=2, \gamma_{oce}(P_{4})=3$, and $\gamma_{oce}(C_{8})=4$.\label{3.1}}
%---------- RECOMMENDATIONS -----------------------------
The following problems are suggested for further study:\\
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis ut imperdiet lorem. Sed imperdiet sit amet quam sit amet molestie. Curabitur elementum magna sem, eu viverra augue pharetra quis. Phasellus ut turpis vel nunc fermentum ornare. Maecenas sit amet semper leo. Praesent sodales vel lectus sed hendrerit.
%----------- REFERENCES -------------
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%----------- edit only in References.bib ----------
\frametitle{List of References}
%--------- THANK YOU Text --------------------------
\Huge\emph{Thank You So Much!}