Ein Gallerie mit aktuellen und stilvollen LaTeX-Vorlagen, Beispielen, die beim Lernen von LaTeX unterstützen, und Papers und Präsentationen, veröffentlicht von unseren Nutzern. Suchen oder unten durchblättern.
Version of the template with information below, modified for use in the Mines Computer Vision Class
LaTeX Template: Project Titlepage Modified (v 0.1) by rcx
Original Source: http://www.howtotex.com
Date: February 2014
This is a title page template which be used for articles & reports.
This is the modified version of the original Latex template from
aforementioned website.
This is a very basic template for mathematical presentations using LaTeX and beamer, aimed at University of Edinburgh students on the Honours Analysis course 2017-2018, for their "Skills" presentations.
Template using official colors of Czech Technical University.
They are defined by new graphical manual - 2017.
Specially designed for Laboratory of Structure of Biomolecules.
Share and modify as you like. Keep the name of the author.
It is forbidden to use the template commercially./>
Author: Martin Malý.
Published: 23.9.2017.