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Created using the baposter Portrait Poster LaTeX Template Version 1.0 (15/5/13) originally created by
Brian Amberg (baposter@brian-amberg.de), downloaded from http://www.LaTeXTemplates.com.
A beamer presentation on patterns for SoS reconfiguration, in the context of a non-intrusive load monitoring framework for residential energy disaggregation in Smart Grid
Given a comma separated values (data.csv) file containing a list of contact details, produce a bunch of conference name cards using the datatool package for mailmerge-like functions. Personal contact details are encoded in the QR code instead of displayed in text for clarity and privacy.
The .csv file can be exported from spreadsheet applications, such as Microsoft Excel, OpenOffice Calc, Numbers, etc.
The card design is adapted from the Business Cards for Programmers/Developers template.
Não sou o autor deste template, somente fiz o upload do modelo que o professor Senger me passou para uso no Overleaf.
Se houver um template melhor ou alguma sugestão de melhoria por favor me contate por e-mail: ribas.jonathan@gmail.com.
Prof. Dr. Luciano José Senger
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