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This is Annual Reviews’ “Style 3” template (v1.0, April 2013) for the following journals:
Analytical Chemistry
Animal Biosciences
Biomedical Engineering
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Environment and Resources
Materials Research
Pathology: Mechanisms of Disease
Pharmacology and Toxicology
Physical Chemistry
This is Annual Reviews’ “Style 1” template (v1.0, April 2013) for the following journals:
Cell and Developmental Biology
Clinical Psychology
Earth and Planetary Sciences
Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics
Financial Economics
Fluid Mechanics
Food Science and Technology
Law and Social Science
Marine Science
Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior
Political Science
Resource Economics
Statistics and Its Application
Vision Science
Dieses Dokument dient als Vorlage und Inspiration für größere Arbeiten (10 Seiten+) an der Universität Potsdam.
This document servces as template and inspiration for greater works (10 pages+) at the University of Potsdam.
Published under The GPL v3
Collection of statistics formulae taken from the perennial text book Lind, Douglas A. et. al. (2015): Statistical Techniques in Business and Economics, 16 ed. (2015).
Wolfgang W. Stoettner
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