Beispiele für mächtigen LaTeX Paketen and Anwendung von Techniken — eine tolle Möglichkeit an Hand von Beispielen LaTeX zu lernen. Suchen oder unten durchblättern.
(Um bom exemplo de paper no estilo LNCS em português do Brasil)
Esse trabalho analisa o efeito da aplicacão de diferentes valores nos parâmetros para resolução de problemas usando algoritmos genéticos. Um algoritmo simples é usado em um problema trivial permitindo um grande número de experimentos em pouco tempo e simplificando a análise.
Este gráfico presenta las características de compresión de una señal telefónica de entrada cuando es comprimida de manera analógica o digital usando la Ley-Mu tal como es descrita en la Recomendación G.711 de la Unión Internacional de Telecomunicaciones. Esta Ley es descrita por la siguiente ecuación:
f(x, \mu)=sign(x)*\frac{\ln(1+\mu\left |{x}\right |)}{\ln(1+\mu)}
en la que sign(x) es la "función signo".
La gráfica muestra los resultados para 3 valores de \mu distintos.
Este gráfico presenta las características de compresión de una señal telefónica de entrada cuando es comprimida usando la Ley-A tal como es descrita en la Recomendación G.711 de la Unión Internacional de Telecomunicaciones. Esta Ley es descrita por la siguiente ecuación:
\displaystyle \frac{A\left |{x}\right |}{1+ln(A)} &\text{si} \, \displaystyle\left |{x}\right | < \frac{1}{A} \\ \\
\displaystyle \frac{1+ln(A\left |{x}\right |)}{1+ln(A)}&\text{si} \, \displaystyle \frac{1}{A} \leq\left |{x}\right |\leq 1
A simple example of creating a list of acronyms using the acronym package, which supports auto-expansion on first mention, and shortening on subsequent mentions.
The changes package, distributed with TeX Live, allows the user to manually markup changes of text, such as additions, deletions, or replacements. Changed text is shown in a different colour; deleted text is crossed out. The package allows definition of additional authors and their associated colour. It also allows you to define a markup for authors or annotations. (Here's another customised example using avatars for the author annotations.)
LaTeX is the best way to write mathematics. It completely pisses all over Word. However, it does take some time to get used to so might not be worth your while if you won't write too much. The way I use it is to first download and install a latex editor and then get writing, but I would recommend that you use this website instead since you can get going a lot quicker. The upshot of the whole business is that you type in here and then a pdf is generated with all the equations looking ace. I'll give you some examples.
This is an example of a very, very basic conference abstract booklet, with an author index. Each abstract can have an optional text that will be displayed in the margin — e.g. the time and room of the presentation.
LianTze Lim
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