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This short example shows how to use fonts available on Overleaf to write Hebrew; the list of available fonts are here.
For more examples on using the polyglossia and babel packages to typeset Hebrew (and other languages), have a look at this and this help page.
A CV for academicians (researchers, professors, ) that is designed on moderncv template. Here, the publications are automatically sorted in reverse chronological order. You just need to add BibTeX format of your publications in conference.bib or journal.bib
Exemplo de aula para Instituto Federal de Santa Catarina, do curso técnico em eletrotécnica do campus Jaraguá do Sul (Rau). O modelo será aprimorado futuramente. Não sou o autor original do modelo, mas fiz algumas adaptações. O autor original é o prof. Emerson Ribeiro de Mello do campus São José.
Arthur Garcia Bartsch, Emerson Ribeiro de Mello
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