\documentclass[english, Lau, oneside]{sapthesis}%remove "english" for a thesis written in Italian
%Bachelor's (laurea triennale) thesis : Lau
%Master's (laurea specialistica) thesis: LaM
%PhD's thesis: PhD
%\usepackage[italian]{babel} %use this package for a thesis written in Italian
\usepackage[nottoc, notlof, notlot]{tocbibind}
pdftitle={A sample Bachelor's thesis for Sapienza Università di Roma},
pdfauthor={FirstName LastName},
pdfkeywords={thesis, sapienza, roma, university}
\title{A sample Bachelor's thesis for Sapienza Università di Roma}
\author{FirstName LastName}
\course[]{Fisica e Astrofisica}
\courseorganizer{Facolt\`a di Scienze Matematiche Fisiche e Naturali}
\advisor{Prof. advisor}
\coadvisor{Dr. co-advisor}
\examdate{22 September 2015}
\examiner{Prof. ...} \examiner{Prof. ...} \examiner{Prof. ...} \examiner{Prof. ...} \examiner{Prof. ...} \examiner{Prof. ...} \examiner{Prof. ...}
%we refer to http://ctan.mirrorcatalogs.com/macros/latex/contrib/sapthesis/sapthesis-doc.pdf for an exhaustive description of the sapthesis documentclass.
write your abstract here
\lettrine[lines=2, findent=3pt, nindent=0pt]{I}{}n the frame of astronomical spectroscopy...
In \hyperref[chap:1]{Chapter~\ref*{chap:1}} we briefly present...
In \hyperref[chap:2]{Chapter~\ref*{chap:2}} we summarize...
\chapter{Near-infrared multi-object spectroscopy}
\section{Scientific Case}
Over the last decades, innovative observational techniques have been developed to allow spectrographs observing...
\section{The Very Large Telescope}
Property of the European Southern Observatory...
\section{The Multi-Object Optical and Near-infrared Spectrograph}
The \textit{Multi-Object Optical and Near-infrared Spectrograph} is a future generation MOS instrument for the VLT.
The grasping power of the mirror..
Blanche P.A., Gailly P., et al., “\textit{Volume phase holographic gratings: large size and high diffraction efficiency}“, Optical Engineering, Vol. 43, No.11, November 2004
Cirasuolo M., et al., \textit{"MOONS Science Report"}, MOONS Document Number: VLT-TRE-MON-14620-0001, Issue: $1.0$, $31^{\textup{st}}$ January $2013$
European Southern Observatory, \url{http://www.eso.org}