Brown University Economics Honors Thesis LaTeX Template
Amy Handlan
Letzte Aktualisierung
vor einem Jahr
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Template for students working on an undergraduate thesis in economics.
Template for students working on an undergraduate thesis in economics.
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% General pagackages
pdflscape,subcaption,array, multicol,multirow,tikz, bm,
booktabs, rotating, titling}
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Encoding
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Margins and Spacing
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% References
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Links
\usepackage[colorlinks=true, allcolors=blue]{hyperref}
\urlstyle{same} %makes url the same font as text, not courier default
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% tikz/diagrams
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% table formatting
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Autoreference names
% equation numbering start at 1
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Theorem Names
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Title Information
%title page single spacing
%subtitle command
\title{[Title: Economics Honors Thesis Latex Template]}
\subtitle{Brown University\\Honors Thesis in Economics}
\author{[Name]\thanks{[Acknowledgements and Thanks]}}
Abstract is a short description of the project.
\textit{Keywords:} keyword1, keyword2, keyword3
\textit{JEL Codes:} A1 %JEL codes refer to topics of the paper. Assign 3 from
% \thispagestyle{empty}
In this section, you will introduce you research project, highlight your methods and results, and argue about the broader implications of the project.
\section{Literature Review}
In this section, you will describe the literature related to your research project and your connection to those literatures. To enter a citation in line: \cite{CitationExample}. To enter a citation in parentheses: \citep{CitationExample}. If you enter multiple citations, it will order them alphabetically: \citep{CitationExample,WorkingPaperExample}.
In this section, you will describe the data sources and variables you use for analysis. You may want to include figures to describe your data. Consider the formatting in \autoref{fig:enter-label}.
\caption{Figure Title}
\caption*{\footnotesize \textit{Note: Describe the figure above.}}
Additionally, reference \autoref{tab:summarytable} for formatting guidelines for tables:
\caption{Summary Table}
\caption*{\footnotesize \textit{Note: Describe the table above.}}
In this section, you will describe the model for your analysis. You can reference equations using the ``equation'' environment or the ``align'' environment. With either you can reference them using labels, as in \autoref{eq:regression} and \autoref{eq:model}.
In an empirical paper, this will include your research design, assumptions, identification strategy, and regression specification. \autoref{eq:regression} provides a template for writing the regression specification.
y = \beta_0 +\beta_1x_1 + \beta_2x_2 +\varepsilon
In theoretical paper, this will include the modeling environment, agents, actions/choices, information sets, and preferences. \autoref{eq:model} provides a template for writing the agent's optimization problem.
\max_c\ &\ U(c) \\
\text{s.t.} &\ \ p c \leq e \nonumber
For a regression table, you can look at \autoref{tab:regressiontable}. Python, Stata, and other programs where you will run regression have options to automatically output regression tables to Latex format.
\caption{Regression Results}
\caption*{\footnotesize \textit{Note: Describe the table above.}}
Where possible, you should also include results at graphs and figures.
For theoretical model, you results may include theorems. You can format them like \autoref{theorem:example}.
\begin{theorem}[Title of the Theorem]\label{theorem:example}
Description of the theorem.
In this section, you will conclude the project by summarizing the methods and results. You should also connect back to the introduction, literature, and the big picture.