%% Set up the bibliography
%% Additional packages and commands
\setlist{itemsep=-2pt} % Reducing white space in lists slightly
\renewcommand{\deg}{\si{\degree}\xspace} % Use \deg easily, everywhere
%% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Begin of document + Frontmatter (Roman page numbering)
%% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Define the main parameters
\title{A Title to the Report}
\subtitle{A Catchy Optional Subtitle \\ that Grabs the Attention}
\subject{AB123: Optional Course Name} % Cover only
\affiliation{Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne} % Cover only
\coverimage{figures/rlc-cover2.jpg} % Aspect ratio of 2:3 (portrait) recommended
\definecolor{title}{HTML}{FF0000} % Color for cover title
%% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Mainmatter (Arabic page numbering)
%% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
%\input{mainmatter/chapter-4} % Create file to add
%% Prevent urls running into margins in bibliography
%% Add bibliography
%% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Appendix (Letters for chapters)
%% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
%\input{appendix/appendix-c} % Create file to add