Fall 2022 October University for Modern Sciences and Arts CS GP Thesis Bsc Template
Ayman Ezzat
Letzte Aktualisierung
vor 2 Jahren
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
MSA Spring 2022 New Logo
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\title{This is my title}
\author{My Name}
\degree{Bachelor of computer science }
\school{Faculty of Computer Science}
\university{October University for Modern Sciences and Arts (MSA)}
\degreeyear{July 2022}
\advisor{Dr. ABC, Dr XYZ}
\prevdegrees{} %(M.Sc.)
\field{SE program}
\maketitle % (first page - Western style)
%\maketitlenew % (first page - Univ. of Tsukuba style) <- replace it with official word template
\chapter{Collected materials from ....}