Maharashtra Institute of Technology, Project Report Template
Amit Suhas Borole
Letzte Aktualisierung
vor 2 Jahren
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
This Report is made to make students life easier.
%%% This is a complete thesis template which includes almost all the things required to prepare your thesis according to the revised KTU formatting guidelines
%%% Color option can be 'NoColor' if you don't want any colorband in MS/PhD thesis
%%% Printing mode 'PrntForm' to leave relevant blank pages when printing the thesis
%%% Default LaTeX packages used in this template are placed in '01_packages' file
%%% Any custom commands in the '02_commands' file under '0_settings' folder
%% Double spacing option (only for thesis)
\onehalfspacing % For double spacing
%\setstretch{2} % Alternate double-spacing
%%%%%%%%%%% LaTeX document starts here %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%% Preamble will have all the files related to pages that comes before chapters
%%% Roman Numbering starts from acknowledgments and ends before chapters start
%%% The main text of chapters will follow from this point so set the page numbering
%%% to arabic from here on.
%%% A SAMPLE CHAPTER - Introduction.
%%% Appendices.
%%% Sets the label in the table of contents to "Appendix"
%%% The appendices have to be included with `\input`, not `\include`
%%% due to a bug in LaTeX, otherwise the appendices will also be
%%% labeled "Chapter"
%%% Right way: \input{appendix-a/appendix-a}
%%% Obsolete way: \include{appendix-a/appendix-a}
%%% Bibliography with 'refs' file as the main library that contains all references needed
%%% The following sections are only required for research programmes: PhD %%%%%%%%%%
%%% They have to be included in the final-approved thesis after viva-voce, so uncomment them only in the end %%%%%%
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{LIST OF PUBLICATIONS}