\title{Your Thesis Title}
\author{Your Name}
\degree{Master of Science}
\dept{School of Computer Science}
\membera{Initial. Last Name }
\depta{Department of Mechanical, Automotive and Materials Engineering}
\memberb{Initial. Last Name }
\deptb{School of Computer Science}
\memberc{Initial. Last Name }
\deptc{School of Computer Science}
\defensedate{June 11, 2020} %Change the date here!
\usepackage[algo2e, ruled, vlined]{algorithm2e}
\dedication{I would like to dedicate this thesis to my mom for her incredible love and support. Because I believe that she is the real backbone of our family, this is to appreciate her selfless hard work and efforts towards the family.
Furthermore, I dedicate it to my dad to raise me like a son and give me wings to fly. To my grandfather, for always trusting me and supporting me in my hard times, without his encouragement, nothing would have been easy. And to my entire family for their unconditional affection towards me.}
\acknowledgements{ I would like to sincerely express my most profound gratitude towards my supervisor Dr.X, whose input helped me immensely. With his input, I was able
to look at my research with a different perspective and a more critical eye.
Secondly, I would like to express my gratitude to my thesis committee members for their beneficial advice and suggestions for my thesis.
I would also like to thank my friend X for always encouraging and supporting me.
I humbly extend my thanks to the School of Computer Science and all concerned people who helped me in this regard.
% \clearpage
% \chapter*{List of Abbreviations}
% \chaptermark{\normalsize List of Abbreviations}
\item[TP] True Positive
\item[FN] False Negative
\item[FP] False Positive
\item[TN] True Negative
\item[TPR] True Positive Rate
\item[FPR] False Positive Rate
\item[FNR] False Negative Rate
\item[TNR] True Negative Rate
\item[FRR] False Rejection Rate
\item[FNMR] False Non Match Rate
\item[FAR] False Rejection Rate
\item[FMR] False Match Rate
\item[EER] Equal Error Rate
\item[SVM] Support Vector Machine
\item[DT] Decision Tree
\item[KNN] K Nearest Neighbors
\item[NB] Naive Bayes
\item[LR] Logistic Regression
\item[RF] Random Forest
\item[MLP] Multi Layer Perceptron
\item[LGB] Light Gradient Boosting Machines
\item[NN] Neural Network
\item[GA-KNN] Genetic Algorithm -K Nearest Neighbors
\item[IForest] IsolationForest
\item[One-Class SVM] One Class Support Vector Machine
\input{sections/Access Control Systems.tex}
\input{sections/Machine Learning Techniques.tex}
% \input{sections/Future-works.tex}
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{VITA AUCTORIS}
NAME: & First Name Last Name \\
University of Windsor, M.Sc in Computer Science, Windsor, Ontario, 2020 \\