Ein Gallerie mit aktuellen und stilvollen LaTeX-Vorlagen, Beispielen, die beim Lernen von LaTeX unterstützen, und Papers und Präsentationen, veröffentlicht von unseren Nutzern. Suchen oder unten durchblättern.
Years ago I found a trifold template somewhere (if you are the source or you know it, please let me know) and based on that I created this brochure to promote my choir.
Typical derivations of kinetic theory equations often exchange the contact time of the particle on a wall with the period of the particle's motion between walls. In this paper we redefine pressure as time-dependent in order to solve this issue and show that this definition makes much more intuitive and theoretical sense than our old definition of pressure.
STEM Fellowship's Scholarly Writing Workshops aim to complement learning experiences with relevant digital tools. The Editing 101: Learn To Be Your Own Editor workshop will largely focus on editing, where workshop attendees will learn strategies to edit for flow, clarity, grammar and conciseness in a series of hands-on exercises.