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Computer algorithms that are written with the intent to keep data private are used in every day cryptography. These algorithms may exhibit execution time behaviour which is dependant on secret information that is not known to an outsider. When carefully analysed, this dependency may leak information that can be used to gain unintended access to private data, effectively nullifying the use of such algorithms. This threat poses a vital risk to the field of computer cryptography, and analysis should be done in attempt to eradicate this potential threat from any algorithms in modern day use.
In this paper, attacks are orchestrated against several algorithms that have previously been used in cryptography, resulting in the successful retrieval of secret data within a manageable time-scale.
Faça um pêndulo leve com um pequeno ímã em sua extremidade. Um eletroímã adjacente conectado a uma fonte de corrente alternada de frequência muito superior à frequência natural do pêndulo pode levar a oscilações não-amortecidas com várias amplitudes. Estude e explique o fenômeno.