LaTeX templates and examples — Grant Application

山中 卓 (大阪大学 大学院理学研究科 物理学専攻)先生が作成された科研費LaTeXを、坂東 慶太 (名古屋学院大学) が了承を得てテンプレート登録しています。 詳細はこちら↓をご確認ください。

This is a template created by Ted Pavlic to help researchers prepare the senior personnel 2-page biographical sketch ("biosketch") that is required by the NSF for large multi-university NSF grant proposals. You can read Ted's original post here.

NWO Application Template: PhDs in the Humanities 2022

Systematic review application template for Prospero registration

A LaTeX class implementing the new (as of 2015) NIH Biographical Sketch Format. The original template can be found at the author's GitHub page. This LaTeX document class tries to adhere to the Biographical Sketch formatting requirements outlined in NIH Notice NOT-OD-15-032. This new format is required for applications submitted for due dates on or after May 25, 2015. I tried to mimic the example documents provided on the SF 424 (R&R) Forms and Applications page as closely as possible. I intend to use this class for my own upcoming grant submissions; however I offer no guarantee of conformity to NIH requirements.

Template for a report or grant application section, downloaded from the Vanderbilt Biostatistics Wiki.

This template provides a style file for the easy preparations of NSF grant proposals. As part of the template, a list of pre-defined journal abbreviation commands are included, for easy reference in your proposal. See also the NSF biographical sketch ("biosketch") template available here.

NSF-formatted biosketch, according to 2020 proposal preparation guide:

The very initial version of this template was created by Sarah Gille. This current version of the template follows the guidelines in NSF GPG 15-1. It is your responsibility to make sure that everything is in agreement with the current NSF GPG and your program solicitation. Good luck!
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