LaTeX examples — Handout

Nice big text, one page with small margins, landscape. Good for printing out a short message with a contact phone number and email.

Formula sheet for a statistics course

Mini livre d'exercices: huit pages A7 sur une feuille A4 qui se plie en un livre. minilivre, pocketmod, minibook, booklet, mini-livre, livret.

Multiplication and Division of Integers

A leaflet created for a Math class that I conduct during this term.

Trigonométrie anti-sèche résumé de cours de seconde. Mini-livre 8 A7 sur un A4 recto. cheatsheet antiseche pocketmod minibook trig sin cos circle cercle

Years ago I found a trifold template somewhere (if you are the source or you know it, please let me know) and based on that I created this brochure to promote my choir.

This example was created for ShareLaTeX by Karol Kozioł and subsequently moved to Overleaf in October 2019.

Sample flyer created using the leaflet class—which is dedicated to creating small hand-outs and flyers that fit on a single sheet of paper which is then folded twice. This template was originally published on ShareLaTeX and subsequently moved to Overleaf in October 2019.
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